Divine Drops of Intuition

Beliefs come and go. They are in the brain.

Deep knowingness comes from the heart and resonates much more powerfully.

The executive function investigates, weighs options and makes decisions, using evaluation to create intent. Through the heart-mind connection to the heart center, it feels into them to see if the options feel right before acting on them.

Find the silver lining in past experiences in order to re-pattern your mind and nervous system. This will change the imprinting of a past experience from something negative to something positive.
Cultivate Unconditional Love

"Energy moves in waves. Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that energy, waves, patterns and rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance.” ~ G. Roth @Cosmic Light Force


Consider Cymatics

Cymatics is the study of sound and vibration made visible. The Cymatics vibrational phenomenon shows that non-material frequencies of sound are shown to form intricate shapes in physical material structure.

Cymatics reveals a strange & beautiful symmetry at work in nature. Inspired by the work of Dr. Hans Jenny we create images using water and sound. Our images mirror the symmetries found throughout the natural world.” See a gallery of images here.

Vibratory sound creates the wave-like patterns around us as we see in nature as they form from the parenting of the energy level into the physical. CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music - Nigel Stanford - 5:52 min. here.

Awakening Cymatic Visualization: A Native American Church Healing Song 4:38 min. “May the sun bring you new energy by day, may the moon softly restore you by night, may the rain wash away your worries, may the breeze blow new strength into your being, may you walk gently through the world and know it's beauty all the days of your life.” ~ Heyoka ChiefBigMouth

“Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you.”
~ Matthew 5:44

Focusing on what is not wanted, attracts more incidents of what is not wanted.

We attract that which we emanate.
Love, bless, do good, send prayers
The boomerang effect is always with us.

Using heartfelt Intent, be impeccable so as not to get caught in the pursuit of power over others.

Being impeccable means flawless, being consistently aware of the intention
emanated in every moment of being in the Eternal Now.

It’s the best habit in the world.

Oftentimes when talking to someone you are actually talking to the programming that is in his or her mind and heart and soul. They actually can't, a lot of times, even hear you. They're just preparing their responses. There are so many of these people who have not awakened and are just going through a nationally ingrained, almost ritualistic function. They have been cut off from normal communications like what happens in cults where members start losing perspective and become unable to independently think straight.

Waking people up by gently educating them, helps them to understand they can choose a different path and not be trapped in the circumstances they may find themselves in. They can choose a future more orientated to the good. For example, by choosing better educational opportunities, they can open up more beneficial situations.

“Without a vision, the people perish.”

Creating a beneficial future of freedom for all, not a managed choice set out by others that people are required to comply with creates a vision that is beyond entrenched programming.

We have all received lifelong programming affecting our experiences, thoughts, feelings and expectations. There's so much going on for some people, that they often can't even hear what you say because, as you were speaking, they were reacting to words or phrases that are triggers, which are there as a result of their programming. Knowing this, deep heartfelt forgiveness releases any blame that would otherwise poison, not only your relationship with them but any victimhood that might come up within you in reaction. This creates a chain reaction of reactions. Uh oh!

Being in the moment doesn’t mean noticing there is a flower or some such thing over there. It’s fine to take a moment, here and there, on a busy day. However, there is another form of being in the moment that's way more powerful.

Noticing when you are being reactionary, being on automatic pilot, being automatically dismissive of unfamiliar ideas rather than just being curious, being monotonously fixated and repetitive about the beliefs that are running your life requires that you be in the moment to be alert to what you are thinking, saying, feeling and especially when speaking to others. This kind of constant alertness is powerful in changing your life, setting you free, being all-inclusive and making room for expansion, love in your life and a bright future.

After all, sending out powerful energetic frequencies in describing what you don’t want only attracts into your life more experiences that duplicate the energetic feelings of what you don’t want, attracting even more of those circumstances into your life. This is the key as to why nothing ever seems to change for the better when people primarily live this way.

Of course, there are those who would prefer you be a robot so they can run your life. But they are not in charge of you. You are. Don't let them program away your freedom. Take it back. It belongs to you!

Breathe Deep and Dance

Holotropic Breathwork - During the extended practice of Holotropic breathing, the brain and body are essentially flooded with oxygen and Qi, which reliably leads to feelings of ecstasy and bliss.
Ecstatic Movement and DanceGo Here

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

~ from Buddhist Boot Camp

Not looking at things from a variety of angles puts you in a ghetto of misunderstanding, guaranteeing that you end up knowing a lot about what you already know about, isolated in a mind ghetto and cut off from other people.

There is a way to gain access to the 90% of the brain, and the mind/ body connection, that is unconscious, that is not a part of our conscious awareness.

This 90% is where so much of our drives, likes and dislikes and habit patterns are located. This is where programming from other people, our childhood upbringing, cultural background, criticisms and stories we have internalized are located. This is where our feelings of self-worth are located.

This is Where our Automatic Pilot is Located.

When the automatic pilot is in control, obsession, distraction, preoccupation, inability to focus or pay attention or take in information, uses up vast amounts of our time, energy and focus.

Some people call this the monkey mind, endlessly chattering away. This creates, not a proactive stance in life, but a reactive stance that focuses on endlessly rehashing problems while it searches out justifications that explain our limitations in terms of this and that and so on and on and on. Whew. Talk about an energy drain!

Since Energy Follows Focus,
This Creates a Perpetual Cycle of More of the Same.

This squeezes out energy, time and focus for creativity, productivity and simple appreciation of life itself in all of its profusion and variety. This squeezes out even the energy required to create new stories, beliefs and habit patterns to replace the old, destructive programming that is interfering with our ability to create ease, grace and joy in our lives, our ability to create new skills, explore life, take good care of ourselves and create the energy to have fun.

There are Many Techniques for Replacing These Destructive Stories, Programming and Habitual Behaviors.

One way involves focusing on a particular unwanted habit or behavior and really feeling it deeply and describing it in detail, bringing in all the five senses. This is done, while all the time touching your arm in one spot, to anchor that pattern there. This is the first step.

The subconscious feels things deeply, so to communicate with it, we need to speak its language. When we describe things in as much sensory detail as possible we want to feel those details as deeply as possible as well.

The same holds true when we imagine a desirable future situation. We need to feel deeply how we will feel when we have attained the result. Then the subconscious will know what those feelings are so it can work to create those instead. Always remember that your subconscious is on automatic pilot and you can reprogram it when you speak its language of deep feelings.

The next step then is to imagine, visualize, and describe the new desired way of being that will replace the old one. This should also be described in as much sensory detail as possible. Celebrate the applause you are receiving, for example. Feel the joy. Hear the happy sounds. Go ahead and wallow in it. Make your subconscious sit up and pay attention!

This should all be done while touching another place on the arm to anchor this in the mind/ body. That way, whenever reinforcement is required, that anchor spot can be touched.

This is similar to meridian tapping. It differs in that it provides a handy anchor point that you can carry around with you all day.

This one-stop solution is very effective since it is always available in the moment whenever you want it until the new behavior becomes so habitual that you don't need it anymore.

This is much quicker than Meridian tapping, which can be very time-consuming and seem like a chore. t works for some people but other people find they tend to gradually feel like they have less and less time for it as they go about their busy days. This is whether they are busy being proactive and getting things done and enjoying life or being reactive, preoccupied, distracted, drained and just plain too tired or hopeless to bother.

When Our Brains are on Automatic Pilot, they are Performing their Function,
that of Being on the Lookout for Danger so they Can Keep Us Safe.

According to John Assaraf, famed neuroscience researcher and teacher, our brains are hardwired to protect us from danger. When we are afraid, the part of the brain called the amygdala, fires right into the right prefrontal cortex and turns on the fight, flight or freeze mechanism, creating impulsive reactions without any thought. Handy if you are being attacked by a lion but not so good when it is going on all the time. It then rationalizes, tends to procrastinate, and anxiety and stress are created.

The neocortex, on the other hand, is the most newly-evolved part of the brain and is where solutions reside, where imagination (I’m-a-genie. I’m-a-genius) resides. The neocortex is the GPS, motivational, genius part of the brain.

The Motivational and Spiritual Circuits Dim Down
When the Fear Circuits Light Up

Brain spec scans now actually show
circuits lighting up and dimming down in different areas of the brain!

This protection-from-danger function of the brain is why it is so easy to always be looking for people and things to blame or criticize. Automatic pilot is very judgmental and prone to dismiss and denigrate. This is the source of hate, bigotry, self-justified anger and my-whatever-is-better-than-your-whatever, holier-than-thou attitudes.

Nationalism, war, bigotry, my-team-is-better-than-your-team, only-a-fool-would-drink-Coke-when- they-could-drink-Pepsi, all stem from the same source.

We are indoctrinated with team product programming from birth. This my-team-is-better-then-you’re-team indoctrination sets the pattern for manipulation into other forms of team identification on religious and national scales creating every abomination of exploitation, domination and war.

Putting Oneself in Someone Else's Shoes Is the Source of Compassion.

People's perspective tends to be that of the people around them.

When we bring in information that creates grassroots connection, bringing people out of their insular, isolated perspectives and their resultant judgmental blame-filled us-against-them attitudes and the actions that stem from that ranting and raving, new possibilities open up, on personal levels as well as national levels.

If someone turns out to be an idiot for whatever unfortunate reason one can ask oneself this:

Are you going to waste your time and energy going over to their house and arguing with them all day or even in your head, alone with yourself all day? There are billions of people in the world. This could use up a lot of time!

The question then becomes is it better to continue to isolate oneself from other perspectives, knowledge and understanding and continue on and on, on the hamster wheel?

Or would it be better to turn one’s focus, open one’s focus, to connection, to searching out the offerings of highly functional, proactive people who, themselves, are actively exploring the world on all of its levels? Where do you suppose it would be more fun to hang out?

Where To Go to Let Go

There is a real need for places where people can go to get their stuff together, where counseling is broken down into easily followed steps that will reach a wide proportion of the population. This is valuable and useful, for a while, so people don't need to feel so alone and can see other people’s success stories and realize they, too, can have success.

This is only one step along the way. These places are not where the highly functional proactive, creative people hang out unless they are there as facilitators.

So Then What?

At some point, once people have faced the demons of their wounded-ness and have been able to let go of their reactive and automatic pilot acting-out behaviors, their addictive behaviors whether on the emotional psychological level such as obsession or compulsive fits of anger or depression or on the physical and emotional level such as alcoholism or eating disorders, then they are free to move on.

It's best to not allow our attention, time and energy to be hijacked into the endless rehashing of events, whether our own or someone else’s.

The world is finally served when people can move on as functional proactive people who have the attention and ability to direct their focus.

Saying such things as, “You just have to be connected to Source (or be born again, etc.) and endlessly repeating a phrase over and over robs it of its power and is a dead-end because it does not expand. Saying things repetitively is the same old circular hamster wheel in action.

The Difference between To and From

Directing your focus to be connected to Source is not the same thing as acting from Source. Source flowing through you and on outward from you.

They say that those who create, do and those who don’t, teach.

Some people do both because, ultimately, people who can't or don't do are not quite qualified to teach.

Again, people take on the energies of the people with whom they surround themselves. As people work through their stuff, it is appropriate to be around people who are also working on their stuff.


The goal is to graduate from that school and move on to then act, be and do in the larger world, out exploring issues in a sober, sane, rational and goodhearted manner.

More and more, by exploring more beneficial-to-all-Life tools and new and amazing ideas, we will discover how to implement them. This approach can then become gloriously fascinating and energizing in one’s life. You will probably never be bored again!

This is what the world needs, more well-considered people, people acting in light of as wide an awareness as possible. The world needs people to move the world forward into a sustainable, Beneficial-to-All-Life future, a future that is as balanced and as peaceful as possible and create it as fast as possible.

We can use our technologies such as the Internet to create a free flow of ideas, unrepressed by corporate exploitation and exploitative media. Why do you suppose TV is all about fear-mongering? People are easily manipulated when they are in a state of fear. Our brains are hijacked by fear but we don't have to get sucked in. It’s interesting to consider how the health and energy drain from consuming the prepackaged food promoted there creates prepackaged thinking and lethargy.

Practices for Experiencing States of Ecstasy and Bliss

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”
~ Rumi

When we can set the fear circuits aside by becoming conscious of when we go into fear or anger or judgment or blame, we can reframe that reaction and step out of the comfort zone of the rationalizations we have eventually come to tell ourselves to be able to cope with the fear, and then move out of self-sabotage and procrastination.

The goal is to graduate from that process and move on to then act, be and do in the larger world, out exploring issues in a sober, sane, rational and goodhearted manner.

Collectively, we also want to move out of fear, for example:

The Language of Our DNA

BioRegenesis and Scalar Energy:

Words deliver electromagnetic instructions to the introns (potential DNA) via the morphogenetic fields surrounding every atom, cell, organ and organ system, in the physical atomic body. Words are sound drivers that convert into manifestation lattices and sound vibrations that affect the personal morphogenetic field body. Specific word arrangements can function to either assist one to advance and be more conscious or devolve and digress. Quantum Morphological Re-patternings are powerful word instructions such as “I AM,” sound encoders that program powerful electromagnetic instructions into your own personal morphogenetic field body.

Examples of positive “I AM” sound programs: I AM PEACE I AM LOVE I AM HEALED I AM SOURCE. The Language of Our DNA - Scalar Energy

Morphic Resonance is Real!

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