Your BONUS Free eBook is at the Bottom of This PageEasiest Way toEliminate Toxins and Heavy Metalsto Create Vibrant Health and More EnergyThe body has the ability to heal itself when it is not overwhelmed by accumulated poisonous toxins and has proper nutrition. More and more people are coming to realize that premature aging, fatigue and chronic ailments are not necessary and, indeed, are preventable. Reducing your risk is much more effective than treating your symptoms after the problem has already been created. I found out, first-hand, just how true this is, as a life-threatening illness of mine was healed when I put into practice what I have to share with you. Table of ContentsChapter 1 My Story Chapter 2 Reactivate Your Body’s Self-Healing Mechanism Chapter 3 The Problems and the Benefits Chapter 4 Toxemia and Inflammation Chapter 5 The Solution Chapter 6 A Little Science Chapter 7 New Performance Enhancing Discoveries Chapter 8 Bibliography My StoryBriefly, before we start, this is my story…I worked for 15 years doing architectural design and drafting, leaving that work to form an independent graphic design business, moving on to do murals and custom wall treatments in the San Francisco Bay Area. A few select projects include murals in a 600-year-old converted monastery in Tuscany, Italy and murals for the Miami Florida Super Bowl Owners Pre-game Party. I was quite successful until I was overcome by an overexposure to chemicals, solvents, fumes, molds and exposure to nuclear waste at a shipyard where I had a painting studio. My hair analysis test showed I had high levels of uranium and, also, cadmium, mercury and later, arsenic. A seemingly endless period of ulcerative colitis, multiple organ failure and every side effect known to man (well, almost every one) ensued. During this period I worked personally with practitioners who monitored my progress with blood tests, live cell blood tests and hair analysis tests. The uranium and heavy metals are gone now, removed by a Relax Far Infrared Sauna. During the process of healing from this onslaught and for very many additional years, I studied holistic health and nutrition by searching out the cutting-edge works of pioneering researchers in the field. I am grateful to have had the privilege to have had access to that eye-opening material and to have had the time, the inclination and the ability to absorb this knowledge. I discovered the underlying principals of creating glowing health and vitality and how incorporating them into daily living can turn our lives around. I wanted to know how to have optimal heath and vitality to be able to be creative for my entire life. I didn’t know I would have to go through all of that to find out! But now that I have, I have discovered that I have a gift to share that may prove useful and be a blessing in the lives of others. And that feels pretty good to me! Reactivate Your Body’s Self-Healing MechanismGet the Bad Stuff Out and the Good Stuff In, To lead to Healthy, Lasting and Significant Get Up and GoAnd Not Be Tied Down with Health IssuesWe are led to believe we need a drug to suppress symptoms that appear in different parts of the body. However, every part of the body is made of the same thing – cells. Brain cells, muscle cells, bone cells, lung cells, liver cells can be made of healthy cells or damaged sick cells. Toxins are acid and steal electrons from the atoms from which the cells are made. This is how the cells are damaged. You don’t want toxins bouncing around in your system like ping-pong balls gone haywire! As the cell tissue dies, inflammation sets in to clean up the debris and the resulting swelling puts pressure on the delicate nerves that send the pain signal and we then experience pain. The damage from the ravages of free radical damage is known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is recognized as the underlying cause of most all degenerative disease. Our bodies evolved to function optimally when the diet is 20% acid and 80% alkaline. Modern diets are 80% acid and 20% alkaline. Read on to find out how you can remove toxins and free radicals from the body effortlessly. An article in Taste for Life Magazine says: “PUT THE BRAKES ON AGING” “Free radicals are a more widely accepted cause of aging and degenerative disease. Produced by normal metabolic processes, as well as alcohol, drugs, environmental toxins, smoking and stress, free radicals are unstable molecules that steal electrons from healthy cells, oxidizing tissues throughout the body and accelerating aging.” In Bruce Fife, ND’s popular book. The Detox BooK, he explains that: “Given the chance, the body will eliminate harmful toxins that weaken our immune system and cause degenerative conditions to develop. The body will heal, replacing damaged, diseased tissues with new healthy cells. But as long as irritating contaminants (acids) remain in the tissues and new toxins are continually added, recovery is impossible.” It’s important to know that free radicals serve a purpose in the body. For one thing, the body uses them to fight off invaders. This is called, “The Free Radical Blast“. It’s when the body is overwhelmed by them that we have a problem, sometimes a huge problem! The Problems and the BenefitsThe good news is that there is a solution!Coming up next!But first this is the problem:Hundreds of thousands of toxic compounds invade our air, water and soil. More than 17,000 chemicals are in active production in this country today. More than 3,000 of these are in our food supply. Over 10,000 chemicals are in the form of solvents, emulsifiers and food preservatives, which are used in food processing and storage, Materials used in packaging and toilet paper often contain carcinogenic bleaches called dioxins. Cleaning solvents, petroleum-based detergent residues and chemicals from bathing water, lotions, creams, soaps and deodorants are absorbed through the skin. Surprisingly, typical indoor air pollution levels have been tested at 5 times higher than outdoor levels. And, of course, many people are exposed to dangerous levels of chemical exposure in the workplace depending on what industry in which they work. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates our bodies cannot metabolize over 20,000 of these chemicals. Then what happens to them? The body stores them in fat cells where they continue to accumulate contributing to weight gain. Studies have discovered startling facts. Most of us have between 400 and 800 chemical residues stored in our bodies. EPA studies show that our bodies accumulate 210 mcg of plasticizers every day and have found styrene in 100% of human fat biopsies. Our level of toxic exposure far exceeds our body’s natural elimination mechanisms.They are like Pac-Man, out of control, frenetically damaging everything they bump into! As these toxins accumulate, the body becomes incapable of metabolizing and excreting them. This allows more toxins to accumulate and be stored in the tissue rather than eliminated. As these toxins build up, they can cause enzyme dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies, damage brain chemistry and DNA, create hormonal imbalances and debilitating chronic diseases. Studies now confirm that diet and environmental factors cause 95% of cancers. Chronic diseases that were thought to have no known cause often disappear once toxic chemicals are removed.Signs and Symptoms That You May Have Chemical or Heavy Metal Toxic Accumulation and Chemical SensitivityOn the other hand:Here are Some of the Documented Benefits of Eliminating These Toxins by Using a Relax Far Infrared Sauna Again, chemicals and heavy metals are toxic because they are acidic. According to Dr. Robert O. Young, “There is only one physiological disease – the over-acidification of the body due primarily to an inverted way of eating and living.” Most people don’t realize that the inflammatory and autoimmune problems of some of these conditions – chronic fatigue, allergies, digestive problems – are secondary results, which occur as a response to the initial irritation caused by acidic toxic over-stimulation. This is information that most naturopathic and alternative health care practitioners know but that is not addressed in conventional approaches, which focus on the short-term suppression of these symptoms. For example, inflammation is not a cause because what caused the inflammation? Inflammation is a symptom. There are all kinds of mechanisms in the body by which these processes play themselves out but those tend to be secondary responses to the initial irritation caused by free radical and oxidative damage. Because all parts of the body are made of cells, symptoms (often labeled “diseases”) which appear in different parts of the body can have one underlying cause. When there is persistent irritation coming from pesticides, household chemicals, environmental toxins, cigarette smoke, injury and so forth, inflammation becomes chronic. Our bodies create pro-inflammatory cytokines, which belong to the immune system, to kill cells damaged by acids and toxins. This is how it should be, as the body replaces them with new ones, However, if cytokines continue to attack due to chronic irritation, they start killing too many of the cells the body needs to thrive. J. H. Tilden, M.D. in Toxemia Explained states, “Every so – called DISEASE is a crisis of Toxemia, which means that toxins have accumulated in the blood above the toleration point, and the crisis – the so-called disease – is a vicarious elimination.” The “pushing out” process of cleansing may take the form of a cold, the flu or a rash or many other symptoms often thought of as illness. However, suppressing those symptoms simply creates more congestion (toxemia.) Allergies are also a secondary response to toxemia. Cells are damaged by these poisonous toxic substances. Then histamine signals the body to bring in inflammation which carries white blood cells and other factors into the area in need of healing. This is what your body is designed to do when you injure yourself, a cut finger for example. It is only dangerous when it is going on ALL the time! As the burden of chemicals in the body increases faster than it can expel them, this becomes the first step to cancer and autoimmune problems. When toxic chemicals attach themselves to our proteins, they cause the body to recognize those proteins as foreign. Then the body is unable to distinguish between self and non-self, attacks them and this perpetuates a cascade of auto-immunity anywhere in the body Allergies are only one of the many problems created by autoimmune conditions due to toxic overload and the resulting gastrointestinal imbalance they create, such as leaky gut, which allows undigested food to leak into the bloodstream, further increasing autoimmunity. By using allergies as an example, I think you can see now how thinking that allergies or other “diseases” cause inflammation is a bit like putting the cart before the horse. Toxemia and InflammationHere are Some Examples of How Toxemia and Inflammation CreatesMany of the Conditions I Listed PreviouslyIn a discussion of reflexology, Victoras Kalvinskas, MS, co – founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, says, “Pain will persist until its cause – congestion – has been removed.” Inflammation can feel very uncomfortable and lead to all of the symptoms we experience as allergies, Some of these symptoms include headaches, asthma, fatigue, nasal inflammation, intestinal problems, bloating, cramps, gas, mood swings and irritability. Also, toxins are acidic and form sharp crystals, which are painful when they accumulate in the joints and in muscle tissue. People, who have conditions such as joint pain, arthritis and fibromyalgia, experience this pain. You can use pH paper that you can find at health food stores to measure your own pH levels. In her book, The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Felicia Drury Kliment, states: “Acidic waste in the blood makes scratches and tears on the inside walls of blood vessels.” The body patches this damage with fatty plaques to prevent life-threatening leaks. The accumulation of these cholesterol patches fills the inside of the blood vessels. This increases blood pressure, as the heart has to work harder to force the blood through these narrowed vessels. These patches are like Band-Aids, lining the inside walls of the blood vessels making the inside diameter skinnier. The good news is when these plaques (patches) are no longer needed they are dissolved and released! This happens when the source of the problem, the acids, are removed! The body manufactures 80% of all the cholesterol in the body. Only 20% comes from the diet. Cholesterol is used to create hormones and nerve tissue, patch injured blood vessels and form new synaptic connections between neurons in the brain that are necessary for learning new information and for increasing memory. Consequently, cholesterol that is too low can also be dangerous. Statins, drugs frequently prescribed to lower cholesterol levels, have been shown to cause memory loss for this reason. Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (SAD) is 80% acid-forming and 20% alkaline-forming. Our original Paleolithic diet was the other way around and our bodies have evolved to require the ratio of 80% alkaline to 20% acid to maintain an optimal level of health. Most uncooked low-sugar fruits and vegetables are alkaline-forming, as are almonds, pine nuts, many raw seeds, cold-pressed organic oils. millet, apple cider vinegar, garlic, most herbs and spices and sprouted grains. Unsprouted grains, flour products, meat, alcohol, most dairy products and most cooked (at high heat) and processed foods and oils are acid-forming. Like battery acid burning and damaging skin, acids in the body eat away tissue, corroding and debilitating the body. Bacteria, viruses, fungus, spores and parasites are scavengers that feed on this decayed tissue breed and multiply like crazy. For example, we’ve observed that maggots feed on gangrene, a type of decaying tissue. This is similar to the way swamps of decaying vegetation and stagnant ponds attract insects and mosquitoes or the way garbage attracts flies. Flies don’t congregate and breed if there is nothing on which they may feed. Mosquitoes do not create swamps. They merely live in them. Don’t be taking these tiny microbes out to lunch every day by turning your body into their own private dining room. Best not to feed them! The larger the quantity of acidic waste in the blood the more rapidly germs multiply. This forces the immune system to defend the walls of the arteries and veins by triggering the growth of tumors to encapsulate germ colonies. Antibiotics, vaccines, and strong anti-inflammatory drugs are frequently given to eliminate bacteria-induced infections and prevent the growth of plague but this does not address the cause of the infection and the inflammation. This cause is the acidic, free radical waste flowing through the arteries and veins, Unfortunately, these pharmaceutical drugs, themselves, contain toxic acidic chemicals. In addition, they almost ALWAYS upset the necessary-to-good-health balance of friendly good bacteria and unfriendly bacteria that will interfere with your ability to digest your food and keep you full of vim and vigor. Infections can occur anywhere in the body because germs (bacteria, parasites, viruses, etc.) feed on acid waste and toxins. That is why bacteria can be used to clean up toxic chemical spills and oil spills these days. So, in a nutshell, toxins are acid and steal electrons from the atoms from which the cells are made. As the tissue dies, inflammation sets in to clean up the debris. This swelling puts pressure on the delicate nerves that send the pain signal and pain appears. Eating highly nutritious food is essential for the vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidants that they contain. It’s important to know, however, that one antioxidant neutralizes one free radical and then it’s used up. In this day and age we have a lot more free radicals coming in then we have antioxidants. It has been estimated that you would need to consume the antioxidants found in 375 oranges or 11 lbs of blueberries or 31 lbs. of strawberries or 87 glasses of red wine or about 120 vitamin C tablets (500mg) a day to neutralize the number of free radicals your body has to deal with every single day. It’s good to know there are other ways to reduce the burden. The SolutionRegular, effective whole body detoxification is the solution to removing these harmful waste products and toxic substances. The body has a self-healing ability. Its self-healing ability is dependent upon sufficient nutrition, oxygen and effective detoxification to create healthy cellular function. Research has shown that “far infrared therapy” is perhaps the most effective method of removing both chemicals and heavy metal toxins from the body. This can lead to lasting and significant health benefits. A hair analysis test I had done revealed that I had very high levels of mercury, uranium, cadmium and arsenic from the work I was doing. After I used the sauna regularly, other tests revealed that these were eliminated. I was so impressed that I decided I wanted to share what I discovered to help other people regain their health as well. Relax Far Infrared Saunas are the only saunas on the market that deliver over 98% infrared (FIR) rays. Other infrared saunas can deliver as little as 10% far infrared rays and still be legally classified as far infrared saunas. Take Your Detox to a Whole New LevelThe far infrared radiators these saunas use are the only ones classified by the FDA as medical devices because of their effectiveness. Far Infrared is safe it’s used in hospitals to warm premature babies. The Relax semiconductor is a special technology. It excludes both near and medium infrared rays, harmful to the human body, leaving behind only beneficial FIR at 4 – 14 microns. Relax FIR energy products benefit the user without causing burns, as other types of saunas can do, and can be used for long periods of time as well. 2007 – 2009 Before and After Pictures of Karen RussellGerontologist and Holistic Health CounselorKaren reports that after 2 1/2 years of struggling with heavy metal toxicity (mercury, lead, etc.), although she had had moderate success with a number of other products, her symptoms still persisted and her lab reports all showed too much mercury and lead. After 5 weeks of using the Relax Sauna, Karen felt so much better. Her lab reports, for the first time, showed normal levels of mercury and lead. She also reports that her skin texture dramatically changed, her cellulite decreased 65-70%, her skin was no longer dry and her fat content went from 38% to 20%. Before After
A Little ScienceWhy These Saunas Work So Well(a reminder) The reason most people become ill is their systems become too acidic over time. This is the underlying cause of most all disease because acids steal electrons from the atoms that make up your cells. This damages cells so they don’t function properly, resulting in disease. One of the primary ways the body neutralizes acidity is by using calcium from the bones because calcium is alkaline. To neutralize acids, alkaline elements donate electrons to the atoms. Over-acidification of the body and the body’s attempt to correct it is the underlying cause of osteoporosis and many, many other problems. Here’s a Powerful AND Easy Way to Clear Out This Junk!Fasting is one way to eliminate acidic waste but this can put a lot of strain on the kidneys. Detoxification by this method often causes uncomfortable but temporary symptoms such as headaches and fatigue as the toxins exit the body. Detoxification through sweat, which these saunas provide, protects you from these unwanted side effects because, although some of these toxins are eliminated through the kidneys and colon, most are eliminated through the skin. The FIR wavelength stops swelling and decreases the size of water molecule clusters which gives them greater mobility and penetration of body tissue. When these energized water clusters move in and out they mobilize stored toxins that can then be excreted. Far infrared is the portion of the light spectrum we experience as heat and is the wavelength that is absorbed by the human body and promotes cellular health. The far infrared rays also stimulate endorphins. Endorphins are neuropeptides, natural compounds that dull pain. Also, the vibration created by the far infrared rays reaches into areas hand massage cannot reach. These effects of these rays penetrate through the skin deeply (1-1/2″ – 2″), all the way into the bone marrow, to melt fat, heal tissues and slow the aging process. Far infrared rays detoxify cells by vibrating ionic molecular bonds, which releases the toxins into the bloodstream. The body naturally releases toxins, but the process is frequently too slow to deal with the overburdened state most of us find ourselves in our modern world. FIR heat technology simply speeds up the body’s natural process. Relax Far Infrared Saunas are 7 times more detox-effective on average than conventional saunas. These small portable saunas really are in a class by themselves. For optimal results, bring in more pure food and use the sauna to eliminate the acidic elements for the most rapid progress in restoring youthful vigor. .Experience the benefits of using this sauna to prevent and eliminate fatigue, depression and chronic disease states! And, as an added bonus, weight loss occurs because as the toxins are released the body has no further need for the fat cells and the body releases them. Also, each session burns about 600 calories per session and metabolism is speeded up. This is how you can: Run a 6-Mile Run While Sitting Still!Go HERE for much more information about how this sauna can do all this and how chronic disease can be prevented and eliminated. Stop It in its Tracks!These powerful saunas only take up 2’-9” square’s worth of floor place, are easy to set up in a few minutes and require no installation. They are the only Professional Grade portable saunas on the market because of their revolutionary patented technology. They require no water or hot rocks and use about the same amount of energy as a hair dryer, which makes them very affordable. Conventional saunas are only 1/4 as effective as these innovative Relax Far Infrared Saunas. Relax Saunas are 1/3 to 1/4 the price of wooden saunas and more effective. Relax Far Infrared Saunas are the only saunas on the market with the breakthrough technology that delivers 98% far infrared (FIR) energy. Other infrared saunas can deliver as little as 10% far infrared rays and still be legally classified as far infrared saunas. Relax radiators are so effective that the FDA has classified these new, patented radiators as medical devices. Far infrared is so safe it is used in hospitals to warm premature babies. These saunas are very effective at releasing the toxins that contribute to toxemia. By vibrating the molecular ionic bonds in the cells of the body using far infrared energy, toxins are released into the improved circulation created by the sauna and excreted from the body. Because they are released through sweat, instead of through the colon and kidneys, not so much of a burden is placed on the liver and most detox symptoms, such as headaches and fatigue are eliminated. Most people find them relaxing and energizing. Check Out This Amazing Resource HERE!I have spent the last 12 years researching cutting edge healing technologies. Now I would like to share the blessings of robust health, vitality, clarity and renewed youth that I am coming to experience myself. I am feeling such a renewed sense of enthusiasm as I notice how much more cheerful I feel each day! I was concerned that my previous natural state of cheerfulness and well-being was lost to me forever. Not any more! And not only me. More and more people are experiencing these results, which is why these tiny saunas sell like hotcakes at expos around the country. There is no more valuable investment that you can make than in your health. Knowledge is Useless if You Don’t Act Upon It. Health is Wealth. I feel that these blessings of health and vitality are our birthright, which we all deserve, in order to create a better world! Creating a better world starts with creating a better you!New Performance Enhancing DiscoveriesHere is Your BONUS Free eBook!BibliographyThe Acid Alkaline Balance Diet – An innovative Program for Ridding your Body of Acidic Waste by Felicia Drury Kliment, adjunct professor at City College in New York and an alternative health consultant Fit for Life and Living Without Pain – Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Their Cause and How to Overcome Them Naturally! byHarvey Diamond, world renown author of the New York Times bestseller, Fit for Life, which held the #1 position for an unprecedented forty straight weeks and has sold more than 12 million copies in 33 languages. He is a frequent guest on Oprah, Larry King Live, The Today Show, Live with Regis Philbin, and many others Sick and Tired? Reclaim Your Inner Terrain and The pH Miracle for Weight Loss – Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight by Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc. (in Microbiology and Nutrition) with Shelley Redford Young, L.M.T. Doctor Young heads the Inner Light Biological Research Center. Fit for Life Magazine, “Want to Live to 100? How to Join the Club” by Roon Frost, p. 32 |