Many people have known this intuitively for ages but science is now able to actually observe and measure this phenomena.

Positive emotions have a high frequency with many points of stimulation on the molecules in the cells that make up our bodies. This is what has been found to create a stronger immune response. So the healthier we are, the happier we are. The happier we are, the healthier we are.

Now we know one more reason to be happy! And healthy.

I always like to know how things work and this is what I found out. For every vibrational frequency that is experienced by someone there is a vibratory template that is created. This is similar to a pattern that forms cookie dough into a particular shape. Or, even more accurately, how iron filings arrange themselves into patterns on a magnet. These frequencies create pressure on a molecule. This pressure programs our DNA to either grow or self destruct. And then, this creates either health or disease.

It turns out that it is possible to actually measure these effects by using electron microscopes and instruments that measure frequencies.

Any positive emotion at all creates this positive effect.

I learned this at The Psychotronics Convention. They measure and study the interface between mind and matter and develop new technologies based on what they discover. I was fascinated and amazed by all I learned and experienced there. Too bad they moved their convention to Las Vegas. Not for them though, just for me.  Their conventions were more convenient to attend when they were here in town.

Another Important Reason for Positive Emotions

Realizing that we cannot fix other people leads to the realization that each person is responsible for how he or she chooses to respond, rather than to react in a knee-jerk manner, to people and events. The only actual control any person has is control over how he or she directs his or her attention.

I think we all realize how difficult is is to teach someone if they don’t want to learn or are too young or somehow incapable of learning.  Resentment, for example, would not be appropriate in a case like this. Resentment is said to be like taking poison and expecting the other person to suffer.  The only person poisoned, though, is oneself.  The reason why this is true., literally, is that, for even as short a period as a minute of negative emotion, our immune system shuts down for 6 hours, just like it does when we eat sugar.

Of course TV capitalizes on this big time.  Fear-mongering and the instigation of stress, strife, anger, anxiety, suspense, etc. sells a lot of comfort food which, in turn, creates more need for medicines to counter the ill-effects of all that junk food.  This creates more income for the pharmaceutical companies who sponsor a lot of this programming,  (Actually, they don’t call it programming for nothing.  Who are they programming?  Soap operas are called soap operas because they were originally created to sell soap.)  I don’t think it comes as any great surprise that couch potatoes are not the most fulfilled, satisfied or the happiest group of people around.  There are so many other less stressful  ways to relax.  

When we find something we love to do or get involved in, this creates a boatload of positive, happy, satisfied emotions.  Personally, I find that I am always amazed that I and the world and the universe exists at all.  

This is a never ending source of gratitude, awe and wonder to me.  

So here’s wishing you go out and have some fun!

Blessings and Best Wishes to You All.