Live Long and Eat Yummy Food

In the May 3, 2014, issue of The New Yorker magazine, I learned that scientists are working to develop fusion as a fuel source.  Containing the intense heat and energy this generates is like trying to contain a star in a bottle.  One of the early experimental Stellarators (love that word) was called a Perhapsatron.  ”Perhapsatron!!!  I need one of those!  Perhaps, I should do this.  Perhaps, I should do that.  Let me put that in my Perhapsatron and mull it over.”

Lately, I mulled over the connection between:

Cilantro and Aluminum

A long time ago I went to a Mexican restaurant in San Francisco and had a very delicious meal.  Except for one thing.  I had never tasted cilantro (similar to parsley) before.  I thought it tasted like aluminum! Now, I’ve never, to my knowledge, ever eaten any aluminum, so I had no idea why I should have even thought such a thing.  I just thought, “Yuck!”  “Aluminum?”  I have since discovered that cilantro tastes nothing like aluminum and I love it now.  I chop giant handfuls into guacamole with fresh tomatoes and red onion.

Cilantro leaves

Cilantro to the Rescue

I didn’t know until years later that cilantro binds with (chelates with) aluminum and pulls it out of the body.  What a tasty and easy way to remove aluminum!  This is especially valuable to know because excess aluminum has been found in the brain tissue of people with Alzheimer’s.

A few years after that I discovered that, at the mouth of the valley south of San Francisco, where the fields of cilantro were growing, was an aluminum smelting plant and ocean breezes were blowing the smoke from the smoke stacks (which were belching huge clouds of smoke) inland over the cilantro fields.

I thought, “Ah, ha!  Well, that explains that!”  No wonder those particular fields of cilantro tasted like aluminum.

Aluminum Toxicity

Particularly poisonous to the nervous system, aluminum symptoms can include memory loss, headaches, confusion, disturbed sleep, nervousness, emotional instability and impaired intellect.

Toxicity can also result in aching muscles, speech problems, anemia, digestive problems, lowered liver function, colic and impaired kidney function.  It can stop the body’s ability to digest calcium, phosphorus and fluoride, preventing bone growth and reducing bone density.

In other words, aluminum is poisonous as it accumulates in our systems.

alumunum can top

Sources of Aluminum

We are exposed to aluminum from many sources, commercial brands of antiperspirants and douches, aluminum foil and cooking pots and pans, aluminum pie pans, soda cans and beer cans.

Frequent users of buffered aspirin, such as people with arthritis, could possibly take up to 700 mg of this metal each day. But since aluminum contributes to bone damage, the aspirin actually enhances arthritis.  I used a tiny portable far infrared sauna to get rid of the arthritis in my hands, so there are other solutions besides aspirin and that are more permanent, as well.

The average American consumes 150 lbs of food additives a year.  To me, that is mind-boggling and it certainly explains a lot about why many people just don’t seem to be doing well these days.

Six of these food additives are aluminum salts, most commonly, sodium aluminum phosphates. They are added to cake mixes, pancake mixes, frozen dough, self-rising flours, beer, processed cheese and cheese food. Just one slice of individually wrapped processed cheese can contain up to 50 mg of aluminum. Have real cheese, not processed cheese.  And look out for commercial cheeseburgers – really high!

Diarrhea and hemorrhoid medicines can also contain aluminum. A typical dose of aluminum-containing antacids can contain as much as 200 mg. and an entire day’s use can supply 800-5000 mg. of aluminum.  Aluminum is added as an anti-caking agent to commercial brands of salt and baking soda so sea salt is a better choice.

Third-party testers have found that contrails contain barium and aluminum, which have been added to certain jet fuels.  You can research the information online.  Look for the results from independent third-party testers who sample the contents of contrails.

More and more people are becoming aware of this spraying in the sky.  We may be able to protect ourselves but what about the plants and animals?  And what are we leaving to our children?

 A Few Safer Options

For frying, non-stick old-fashioned cast iron works best and enamel coated steel cookware is a safe option, even stainless steel has aluminum in it.

Use bamboo steamers instead of metal vegetable steamers.

Enjoy homemade baked goods made without aluminum additives.

Avoid aluminum foil.  Glass storage containers are the best, along with old-fashioned wax paper secured with rubber bands.


Live Long and Eat Yummy Food

I came across a curious bit of info lately.  Census statistics are showing that Hispanics are living longer than Caucasians.  I don’t know if Caucasians eat more junk food or not.

I do know they don’t eat as much cilantro.  Cilantro is used a lot in salsa, on burritos, in guacamole and many other dishes.  It is used a lot in Thai and other Southeast Asian, Chinese and Indian dishes as well.  They also use more hot peppers, which have anti-bacterial properties, and also lean a bit more towards the vegetarian end of the scale since they rely on beans, more than meat, as a protein source.  They also drink and smoke less, walk more and enjoy their families and friends around the dinner table.  No TV dinners in front of the TV for them.

Cilantro dish

Taking pride in their culinary traditions, many of their dishes are prepared from scratch and they don’t rely on convenience foods quite as much. So, ole” Yum!

The Ancients Knew a Thing or Two

Cilantro seeds are called coriander.  Coriander seeds were thought by the ancient Chinese to confer immortality.  The ancients knew which plants to cultivate that conferred strength, health, vitality and longevity.  Many of these plants have sativa in their names.  Cilantro is “coriander sativum”.  Garlic is “allium sativa”.  In Sanskrit, sativa means sentient being, mind, strength and courage.  This plant is also mentioned in the Bible.

How to Remove Aluminum

Some of the methods I investigated cautioned that it would take 6 months to a year to remove the aluminum, a free radical. Protandim, which I just discovered, removes all toxins extraordinarily well, as I mentioned in some of my other articles here at Linda’s House of Healthy Choices.  The little portable far infrared saunas do, too.

Protandim has been proven to reduce free radicals to the level of a 20-year-old in 30 days.  And they are reduced to the level of an infant in 120 days.  Protandim is not an antioxidant.  It triggers your body’s DNA to produce the enzymes that our bodies produced as children that are detoxifiers one million times more powerful than antioxidants.  Not only that, it is cheaper than buying a whole array of detoxifiers.  Free radicals include aluminum and all of them create oxidative stress poisonous to your system.

HERE is a video about Protandim.  You can read about how these ingredients in Protandim

 Milk Thistle Extract – Ashwagandha – Bacopa – Green Tea Extract – Turmeric 

have even more additional benefits.    They are combined synergistically so they are 18 times stronger than when combined otherwise.

And if you want some,  


and click on the green box when you get there.  And, if you think this is the best thing since sliced bread and want to share it yourself, you can watch this video first and then go HERE.


USA Today reports on census statistics by the National Institute of Health Statistics & The Centers of Disease Control.

More info on cilantro can be found at

Enough Writing for One Day

Okay!  Time to go jump around after all this sitting and writing.   Here’s to you and a lot of singing and dancing in your life!

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