The Underlying Key to Optimal Glowing Health

and Youthful Vitality

The reason most people become ill is that their systems become too acidic over time. (Our environment and our commercial food sources are so polluted these days with chemicals, pesticides, flavor enhancers, hormones, antibiotics and electromagnetic radiation.)

Many people believe they are meant to degenerate like most other people they see who are too acidic but just like the Eveready alkaline bunny we, too, can keep going and going.. The cells that make up every part of our bodies are wet-cell alkaline batteries and the stronger our inner vibrations, the healthier we are.  We can keep our get-up-and-go and extend our "Health Span"..

An acid reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces a decreased ability to energize the system and leaves an acid residue in the urine. This is the underlying cause of most all disease because acids steal electrons from the atoms that make up your cells. This damages those cells that make up the tissue of our bodies so that they don't function properly and then disease results. To neutralize acidity the body steals calcium from the bones because calcium is alkaline.

An alkaline reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces an increased ability to energize the system and leaves an alkaline residue in the urine. (You can measure this for your self.) Alkaline elements neutralize acids because they donate electrons to atoms.

Acid crystals are sharp and you feel pain when they get deposited in the joints and muscles when your system becomes overloaded.  Those acids eating away at the tissue in the joints also causes inflammation which adds to the pain. Chronic fatigue syndrome and some forms of arthritis are examples of this.

How Imbalance Affects Us

It is critical that the blood be maintained at a constant pH of 7.365. When the blood is not maintained at this level we go into a coma. The body will do anything it can to stay at this level. The acid in the blood will bind with calcium, which is very alkaline, and the body will pull the calcium from the bones to balance the pH of the blood if it is in danger of becoming too acidic. This is the underlying cause of osteoporosis.

Also, this calcified waste gets deposited in the body as far away from the circulating blood as possible in bone, joints and other areas of the skeletal system and can form calcium spurs in the heels, on the vertebrae or in muscle tissue.

To neutralize this acidity, the body will use its supply of the alkaline minerals, calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. If there are insufficient amounts in the diet or in reserve the body will leach them from the blood (as with sodium and potassium), from the bone or cartilage (as with calcium), or muscles (as with magnesium) where they are, of course, needed.

When the body throws off acids through the skin it produces symptoms such as eczema, acne, boils, headaches, muscle cramps, soreness, swelling, irritation, inflammation and general aches and pains. Also, when there is too much acid waste to handle, the body will deposit it in various organ systems where the acid attacks those systems. We know these “deposits” by names such as polyps, fluids, cysts, acid crystals, tumors, warts, bumps, growths, masses, blemishes, moles sacs and so on. This process of acid waste breakdown and disposal could also be called the aging process.“All of the body’s regulatory mechanisms (including breathing, circulation, digestion, and gallbladder function) work to balance the delicate internal acid/base balance. Our bodies cannot tolerate extended acid imbalances..

Acidity Reveals Itself in our Bodies in 7 Stages

Loss of energy
Sensitivity and irritation (as in IBS)
Mucous and congestion
Hardening of soft tissue (“induration,” including lupus, lyme, fibromyalgia, hardening of the arteries, plaque).
Degeneration (cancer, heart disease, stroke, AIDS. ALS, MS, diabetes).
(from the book - The pH Miracle Diet)

In the early stages of the imbalance, the symptoms may not be very intense and could include such things as skin eruptions, headaches, allergies, colds and flu, and sinus problems. As things get farther out of whack, more serious situations arise.

Weakened organs and systems start to give way, resulting in dysfunctional thyroid glands, adrenals, liver and so on. If tissue pH deviates too far to the acid side, oxygen levels decrease and cellular metabolism will stop. In other words, cells die. You die.”

The pH Miracle Diet
Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health
Robert O. Young. and Shelley Redford Young

This book outlines exactly how to reverse this process and is highly recommended!

The Standard American Diet

Our bodies just do not function as well when they are all clogged up with acid waste.  So many people's diets consist of mostly acid-forming foods and this doesn't help either. We poison ourselves with this imbalance. The Standard American Diet (SAD) consists of 80% acid-forming food and 20% alkaline-forming food.  It should be the other way around, as it was when we were hunter/gatherers, for optimal health and actual rejuvenation  (re-youthing). This ratio is what our bodies have evolved to require.

Acid and Alkaline Foods

Generally speaking, sugar, grains (including wheat and refined flour products), nuts (except almonds), seeds, meat, cheese, dairy and pharmaceutical (and street) drugs are all acid forming.  Vegetables, avocados, most herbs, almonds, Brazil nuts, millet, lima beans and most fruits, unless they have high sugar content, are alkaline forming. Raw dairy and cheeses are neutral.

You Can Easily Monitor Your Levels Yourself

It is easy to measure your own pH levels with pH paper, which can be found at most heath food stores. Urine and saliva levels should be mildly alkaline, which is 7.2. You can chart your own progress as you begin to restore your health. Your urine shows what you are releasing and your saliva shows what you are holding on to. It is normal at first to release a lot of acid in the urine.

Your Life Force

This pH balance is another way of describing your life force, which can actually be photographed using Kirlian photography. Raw food shows a vibrant, radiant electromagnetic field. Cooked or microwaved food shows none.

There are many ways to create this balance and to detoxify and cleanse. Just remember to be kind to yourself and do it gradually. The use of a far infrared sauna can speed up the process without side effects as the acids are released through the skin and washed off and not through your digestive system where they can cause diarrhea and headaches and other uncomfortable cleansing reactions

World-renowned Dr. Robert O. Young states, "Over-acidification of the body is the single underlying cause of all disease."

The Good News!

Excess acid is something we do to ourselves, thanks to the choices we make. The good news is that we can choose to make different choices and reverse this process. All we have to do is take responsibility and make those healthy changes and we can create any level of heath and vitality we wish. This balance also organizes the thought processes, making us more relaxed and empowered.

People who know this do it all the time and it works like a charm. This is why raw food diets have become all the rage among the elite in Hollywood, New York City, Washington D.C. and many points in between.

You CAN create the longevity and vibrant health that is your birthright! This is the true basis of the Fountain of Youth.