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Why Hair Turns Gray and How to Reverse This

A Symptom of Toxicity and Enzyme Deficiency

Four times my hair began turning gray and frizzy and began falling out.  My hair seemed so thin I could find no way to style it that looked nice.  Each time that happened, I made some changes, at first for other health reasons, and then because I discovered that the side effect of these changes was that, little by little, the gray frizzy hair fell out and was replaced by smooth hairs that were my natural color.  Thank goodness.  I wouldn’t have wanted them to fall out all at once!  I did this so many times because, as an experiment, I wanted to test exactly what it was that was making the difference.
Following this technique also caused my cellulite to go away, my weight to normalize and my skin to clear. The rough patches, skin tags went away and the pores became smaller so my skin looks more refined now.   This is normal for people who do this, which is why it is becoming more popular.
When I looked on the Internet I discovered that all of a sudden, there is all this information about why hair turns gray, even on Fox news and in articles on Yahoo.  I only found partial information about how to prevent or reverse this problem and it was focused only on one aspect of the solution.

First of all, I want to share the main reason why hair turns gray or white as we age.

It turns out that hair follicles are hollow tubes and they have an actual function besides beauty and keeping our heads warm.  I have read that we expel about 30% of our body heat through the tops of our heads, which makes perfect sense when you consider that heat rises.
We expel more than just heat through those little heat vents.
We naturally produce hydrogen peroxide as a by-product of its role in neutralizing oxidative acid waste and toxins, which are acidic, in the body.  Excess acid destroys matter via burning (think of battery acid) and is damaging to every part of our bodies except for a few spots like our stomach lining and even there not too acid.
Peroxide blondes bleach their hair from the outside to lighten it.  The hydrogen peroxide our bodies produce bleaches the hair from the inside out as it is released through the hair follicles. When older people bleach their hair, the hydrogen peroxide can interact with the dye, making hair color much harder to manipulate and the effect isn’t quite the same as it was when they were young. (Hence the nickname “blue hairs”).
A young body naturally produces a lot of an enzyme called catalase.  According to, one molecule of catalase can break down 6 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen in one minute.  Powerful little guys!  Antioxidants, on the other hand, can only break down one free radical per each antioxidant. (ABC News)  Free radicals are toxins and normal digestion also produces oxidative acidic waste as a byproduct. Think of the phrase “burning calories.”
When we eat food that does not replenish our supply of this enzyme, we naturally use up our supply as we age. Then the hydrogen peroxide that is not neutralized is released through the hair.
Now, it is possible to buy catalase supplements, which is what is recommended on most all the sites on the Internet.  However, there are 3 main food sources of catalase.  According to the National Institute of Health, wheat and barley grass sprouts contain a high amount of catalase, as do alfalfa, Brussell sprouts and the fresh young sprouts of dark green plants.  Avocados, onions, leeks, garlic, broccoli, parsnips, spinach, kale, radishes, carrots, red peppers, turnips, cucumbers, celery and red cabbage are rich in catalase.  Kiwi, peaches, cherries, apricots, bananas, watermelon and pineapple have high amounts, while apples and grapes have lower amounts.  Raw, organically grown plant foods are best.  The problem with catalase supplements is that they are often digested before they can reach tissues to break down the hydrogen molecules.

More Powerful

When eaten, each molecule of catalase neutralizes one molecule of hydrogen peroxide and is then used up so it only works once.  See my article on Protandim to see how the body makes its own catalase.  Protandim triggers the body’s DNA to produce these enzymes every second 24 hours a day in each one of your body’s one hundred trillion cells, detoxifying each cell from the inside out.
If you do this and raw food – Zoom!

Raw Food

“The foods I listed have to be eaten raw because “Even low to moderate heat (118 degrees or above) destroys most enzymes in food so to obtain enzymes from the diet one must eat raw food.”          – Prescription for Natural Healing, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC James Balch, M.D. p. 59.
For really successful results we need to consider that as we age we accumulate more toxins and acidic waste from pesticides, exhaust fumes, from plastics leached into the water from plastic water bottles, chemicals in commercial cleaning products. We accumulate heavy metals, mercury, lead, arsenic, fluoride, dioxins (bleaching agents used in commercial brands of toilet paper and other white tissue), chlorine, etc.
People who have switched to a raw food diet (usually organic) for an extended period of time have discovered that their bodies receive enough catalase from their food to be able to retain their natural hair color as well as other youthful benefits such as renewed energy and youthful looks. This is why this way of eating, which is delicious by the way, is so popular in Hollywood where people depend on looks and energy for a living.  They are benefiting from what the pioneers in this area are discovering is the optimal way of nourishing the body for freedom from disease and robust, vibrant energy.
However, the more polluted some of us are. the more that even these amounts of catalase and other enzymes, when eaten,  may just be a drop in the bucket since each one of those antioxidant molecules only works once and is then used up.
I discovered that another tool I was using worked like gangbusters to really speed up the process of getting rid of the toxins, poisons, and all forms of acidic waste, including electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, computers, TV, etc.  Also, this tool is the only way to get plastics out of the body, according to Dr Sherry Rodgers in her book Detoxify or Die.
Plastics disrupt your hormones, your endocrine system, such as your adrenal and thyroid glands. My doctor also told me plastics diminish testosterone levels and affect estrogen levels negatively, as well. Hormones also affect your emotions. Acidic toxins damage cells, which is what every part of our body is made of, including melanocytes, which are responsible for producing color in your hair.  When enough of them die off, there aren’t any cells left to produce the color.

Your body has to create a lot of hydrogen peroxide to neutralize all of that!

I have been using a tiny portable (using only 2’-9” by 2’-8” of floor space) zip up the sauna, like a little box of a tent with a chair inside.  You can even read or watch TV in it or just relax for 20 minutes a day.  It is very easy and quite relaxing.
I was so impressed when, after using the sauna, hair analysis tests showed that I had pulled uranium, mercury, cadmium and arsenic out of my system.  No wonder I had gotten sick!   I decided to research why they work so well.  At the end of this article, I am including an introduction to how the saunas work.  Suffice for now to say that this is the most rapid way that many renowned holistic health care researchers and respected authors recommend as the fastest, easiest and most effective way to rid the body of the toxic acid waste and stop creating the need for so much hydrogen peroxide.  This was before Protandim was available but they are a dynamite team.
The third solution to the problem is:  Don’t allow so much pollution into your body in the first place.  You can clean up your environment and your food choices and eat more of it raw than cooked.  There are endless yummy recipes on the Internet.  Like anything, the more you put into practice the faster and the more permanent your results will be.

It’s important to remember that gray hair is a symptom of toxicity, so it is more than a matter of vanity.  It is a warning sign.

For the Most Rapid and Optimal Results

All this may seem like a lot but, really, it only boils down to 2 things, eating raw fruits and vegetables and using the sauna with Protandim to supercharge your toxin elimination.

The simplest way to start, for me, was to grate or shred the harder vegetables onto my salads with a little avocado for a smoother texture.  Another easy way is to use them with dips or spread them with almond butter. Almonds are the only non-acidic nuts, although Brazil nuts appear on some lists.  Red, yellow or orange bell peppers spread with almond butter is one of my favorites. They are sweet, crunchy, really juicy and creamy.   Mmm.  Success can be its own reward and it is always inspiring.
That is why making healthier choices doesn’t have to seem like such a chore as you are inspired to keep on making small changes bit by bit.

The Relax Far Infrared Sauna

 “Toxins are like driving through life with your brakes on. They weaken the body.   If you want optimal functioning you have to get rid of the toxins and clear the load to put less stress on the liver and the immune system.”                                     – Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Director Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center

How does the Relax Far Infrared Sauna eliminate toxins, get rid of inflammation, reduce pain, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure and cause weight loss? It also reduces the burden on the kidneys. People report more energy and better sleep, too!  It does it in 3 ways:

  1.  – It increases circulation, including microcirculation in the tiniest capillaries, especially important for diabetics.
  2.  – It increases the body’s core temperature.
  3. – The lymphatic system is mobilized.

The Relax Sauna uses a Far Infrared Radiator that is the only one that is so effective that it listed by the FDA as a medical device.  It is so safe that it is used in incubators for premature babies.


• FIR saunas are the only way to remove plastics (Plastics are estrogenic.) from the body, according to Dr. Sherry Rodgers, Detoxify or Die. She says that high-tech pollution requires high tech solutions.Read her on the Momentum 98 website.

• Weight loss – Toxins are stored in fats.  Release them.  Release the fat.  Also, the sauna burns 600 calories per 20-minute session.

• Lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and reduces the burden on the kidneys, which makes it good for kidney patients.

• Good for the immune system, stress reduction and relaxation, improved sleep and detoxification.  DNA has been shown to mutate in a toxic Internal environment.

• People can keep their heads out of the sauna so they can breathe better – especially important for asthma sufferers.

• In a wooden sauna, you must sit directly in front of the radiator in order to absorb the Far Infrared light and, even then, it only reaches you from one angle. The Relax sauna has a reflective inner surface.   (See note #1 below.)

• As the Relax radiators generate only a FIR very warm healing light, the skin does NOT get hot.   Also, EMF is neutralized,

• Mayo Clinic recommended for Heart Patients because the core temperature of the body equals the exterior skin temperature so the heart does not have to race to equalize the temperature, unlike in conventional saunas, which are not recommended for them.

• It is the greatest thing in the world for people with diabetes because it causes the blood flow to become thinner so it can get through the tiniest vessels and reach the extremities to nourish all the cells in the body and eliminate their waste, keeping them healthy. 

A Note on Plastics:

Plastics are estrogenic.  DNA-damaging chemicals, formed when meat is cooked, stimulate breast cancer cells almost as much as pure estrogen and can infiltrate the ducts where most breast cancers arise.   – Michael Greger, MD,

Meat eaters might particularly want to protect themselves by using the Sauna.  Men might want to take note of the DNA damaging effects, as well as painters who use plastic based paints like acrylics.

Signs of Toxic Overload

Signs of toxic overload are headache, fatigue, indigestion, backache, high cholesterol, and congestion, among others. Some consequences of congestion are frequent colds and flues, arthritis, allergies, cancer and cardiovascular disease.


Toxins are acidic and the more you remove from your system the more you move towards a balance with alkaline elements.  Since alkaline elements (electrolytes) neutralize acids, even more toxins are removed as your body becomes more balanced between healthy acid/alkaline levels

Since it is the far infrared ray that does the healing and not the heat, you can unzip the sauna if you get too hot so you can be cool as a cucumber!

Conventional saunas only heat the air, not you from the inside out. 

Some of the Reasons why Consumers and Health Professionals prefer the Relax Sauna to other Far Infrared Saunas

The Relax Sauna is the only Professional-Model Portable Sauna

1. It is more effective than wooden saunas because of its reflective silver tent. The reflecting tent is ricocheting the light so that every part of your body is within 1 foot of a FIR Energy Source.

2. It is 5-10 times more powerful than the less expensive primitive saunas and in ½ the time.  It cost 12 cents an hour to use.

3. It is 95%-99% pure far infrared due to its patented semiconductor chip.  Others are from 40% to 60% only, some even as low as 10%, and are only 1000 watts as opposed to 1500 watts.

4. The sister product (Sky Eye Radiator) uses one of the 2 Relax Sauna FIR radiators and is the only one that is so effective that it listed by the FDA as a medical device.

5. All documentation is available.

6. Portability – easy to set up – easy to travel – comes with its own chair – fits in carrying bag or even a suitcase

7. Only takes 4 minutes to set up and 2 minutes to tear down.

8. It is easy to find space for.  The footprint is only 2’- 8” square and 4’ tall.

9. It is completely portable with its own carrying case.  Weighs just 18 lbs.  The tent folds easily AND compactly.

10. It is easy to take care of and to clean.  Turn the sauna on after use, for 5 minutes, and it kills all bacteria. 

I use mine every morning for 25 minutes and I am delighted with the huge boost in my energy level. Once, when I hadn’t used it in a while, I suddenly developed arthritis really badly in my hands.  In a panic, I used the sauna for 40 minutes every day for a week.  At that point the arthritis was gone and has never returned.  Whew!!!   I wish the same blessings for your increased heath and wellbeing.

An Additional  Note

Many people have discovered these days that the primary difference between conventional medicine and holistic approaches to health is that they each create different results.  Suppressing symptoms with drugs does not address underlying causes and frequently creates very undesirable side effects. Sometimes these unintended effects show up right away if you are more weak, frail or elderly and sometimes they show up later if you are more robust.
For example, inflammation is a symptom of something, not a cause because what created the inflammation?  Addressing and eliminating underlying causes has the opposite effect.  Given that every part of our body is made of the same thing – cells, then creating healthy cells, which are robust and unpolluted, means that cells in all parts of the body begin to function better and become healthier.  That is why the side effects of holistic health methods create positive side effects instead of negative ones.
And, that is why we can experience so many terrific benefits from the simple act of eliminating the toxins, heavy metals and acid wastes that are poisoning our systems.

Transition Slowly

By the way, it is important to shift slowly into a raw food diet if you choose to do so (or a partial one if you currently eat only cooked food.)  Raw food is very detoxifying, especially fruit. Vegetables are good for building strength, as well as being detoxifying.  If you discharge too many toxins through your system at the same time, they could give you a headache (Headaches are frequently a sign of an overloaded liver – think hangover.) or even diarrhea.  No big deal in the long run, but why be uncomfortable?  Using the sauna to do this diverts the toxins from being eliminated through the digestive system because it eliminates them through the skin.
You might also want to know.  Most meats are 20 to 25% protein.  Broccoli, kale, spinach and Brussell sprouts are between 49% and 67% protein.  Even beans, nuts and grains don’t have that much. This is according to The pH Miracle, Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health by Robert O. Young, Ph.D., and Shelly Redford Young, p. 95-96,
Strong as an ox, indeed!

Vegetables Build, Fruits Cleanse

Live acids in balanced amounts, such as are found in lemons, for example, are what are called enzymes, heat units or calories.  These convert to energy in the body and leave an alkaline residue.  They are listed on most acid/alkaline charts as being alkaline because they are alkaline forming when digested.  Alkaline elements create a cleansing action through their dissolving action.  Consuming these live, unheated-by-cooking fruits (cleansing) and vegetables (building) gives us the best of both worlds, cleansing, and building and repairing tissue.
If you want to supercharge your results, the sauna will be your supercharger because it removes the toxins and congestion that are the underlying cause of, not only gray hair but most other degenerative problems.  This professional grade portable sauna is an investment, for sure, but given that they last 20 years or more, they are quite a bargain when you consider all the wonderful benefits.
So many people feel helpless, hopeless and victimized as their health and vitality starts to deteriorate.  I find that it is such a relief to realize that, with some education and action on our parts, we can take charge of our health, our energy levels and our state of happiness and well-being.


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