PUFAs – Seed Oils

Those dark spots on the skin that many people refer to as ‘age spots’ are actually caused by Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, also called PUFAs, found in vegetable oils, edible oils, seed oils, trans-fat and plant oils. They owe their existence to “roller mill technology,” which replaced stone mill technology and removed their nutrients. Many people now consume 80 grams of PUFAs a day, which amounts to 720 calories and one-third of their caloric intake.

For example, in 1930, there were no more than 50 cases of macular degeneration;
in 2020, there are 196 million cases.

Most chronic diseases can be linked to the consumption of processed seed oils, according to ophthalmologist Dr. Chris Knobbe. She says most chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and macular degeneration are linked to the consumption of processed seed oils. For every ‘age spot’ you see on the skin there are 100,000 more inside the body. No wonder they are such a problem.

PUFAs are nature’s most unstable fatty acids and when we cook with them they deteriorate into toxins. When we eat more than about 4% of our total calories from them. this overburdens our metabolism with”oxidative stress.”

Dr. Cate reports (link below) that back in the early 1900s, our body fat PUFA percentage was 2 to 4%. Today it’s 10 to 30%. She goes on to say:

If you’ve been eating seed oils, they can deprive your brain of energy, hijacking your willpower, since the resulting oxidative stress affects your metabolism. Can’t stay motivated? Back off of the PUFA seed oils.

PUFAs are unstable, and break down rapidly when exposed to chemical stress.

Varnish is what carpenters use to finish wood and is made from vegetable oils including soy and linseed because these oils are chiefly composed of PUFAs. PUFAs react with oxygen in the air to help polymerize the varnish into a nice hard coating that helps preserve the wood.

Varnish is good for your floors, but not so good for your brain, your arteries or mitochondria. When we get PUFA from whole foods like sunflower, chia or flax seeds, it’s well protected by the antioxidants that nature builds into the seed but that get stripped away during the refining.

These molecules are toxic because they promote free-radical reactions that damage our cellular machinery including mitochondria, enzymes, hormone receptors and DNA.

Expeller pressed is promoted as a good thing, but is it?

Expeller pressed means that the first step of the extraction was mechanical. The second step is often the standard, solvent extraction using hexane (Hexane is also in your gasoline tank).
Then it’s generally also refined, bleached and deodorized guaranteeing that the polyunsaturated fatty acid molecules will be oxidized in ways that generate toxins that are hard for our cells to tolerate and lead to mitochondrial uncoupling, DNA damage, free radical cascades and other cell-damaging events that accelerate the aging process and contribute to disabling disease.

This makes body fat a poor fuel for our mitochondria and that profoundly disrupts every aspect of your metabolism. This explains why some people NEED sugar, physically–not just want it for its sweet taste. A seriously sugar-addicted brain directs your body to break down muscles to fuel the brain. And this is most likely the true underlying cause of type 2 diabetes. 

Cate Shanahan, MD is a NY Times bestselling author and board-certified Family Physician. Her Site is Here

PUFAs and that ‘Age Spot’ Lipofuscin Poisoning

An excessive amount of PUFAs and iron in your body can lead to lipofuscin poisoning. This can eventually lead to sun/age spots that are most often visible in areas that get the most sunlight.
Remember for every one seen on the skin, there are 100,000 more inside gunking up the works.

Sun/age spots are not a normal part of aging. They are the result of a high PUFA diet and iron overload. Lipofuscin ‘age spots’ are largely a combination of PUFAs, heavy metals and estrogen which clog up your entire body and prevent oxygen from getting to the tissue.

PUFAs block the body’s ability to deliver thyroid hormone to the cells resulting in decreased cellular energy production. And excess PUFAs inhibit the enzyme necessary to convert T4 to active T3.

Polyunsaturated fats, especially HIGHLY unsaturated fats (omega-3), increase the requirement for Vitamin E by six times. Vitamin E deficiency can lead to heart disease, dementia, gallstones, liver and kidney problems and so much more!

Vitamin E helps to improve mitochondrial respiration, improve circulation, protect against lipid peroxidation, protect against calcification and iron overload and so much more! —> https://www.happyhomehappyheart.com/what-are-pufas-why-you-should-avoid-them/ –

Lipofuscin accumulates over time and is largely responsible for progressive dementia seen with aging.
Again, Lipofuscin is not a normal part of aging. It’s those darn processed seed oils and processed fish oils.

See the trend? Stuff accumulates faster than the liver can deal with it! It’s an Overload.

The long-chained omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil are the greatest lipofuscin hazard on account of their sheer multiplicity of double bonds. The feeding of salmon oil to rats has been shown to greatly increase heart lipofuscin content.

HUFAs, highly unsaturated fatty acids, or omega-3s, contribute to estrogen dominance which exacerbates the lipofuscin problem.


Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA, EPA, and ALA) are not essential for human health and brain development. They are only essential to develop cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, anxiety, depression, insomnia and accelerate aging. 

The public was never told that when the Burrs discovered omega-3s, zinc, selenium and most of the B vitamins had not been discovered yet. The conclusions that they made about their essentiality were based on an incomplete picture (remember the NPK Justice Von Liebig story?) and they ran with it, pawning off toxic oils that were previously used to paint the walls.

Omega-3 fatty acids are highly unsaturated fatty acids (highly unstable PUFAs) that oxidize immediately in a body with heat (you’re 98.6 degrees) and oxygen. It doesn’t matter how perfectly preserved the fish, krill, algae, or seal oil is. It’s complete poison once it enters the body.

Excess iron activates ALOX enzymes (there are 8 of them) which ADD oxygen to PUFAs. Excess aluminum in the body further spreads lipofuscin, as does ultraviolet light. 

What if I came into your bedroom where you repair and rest and trashed the place? What if I filled up 70% of your bedroom with garbage? Could you get a good night’s sleep if your room was full of trash? No, and your cells can’t either. Lipofuscin cakes up the lysosomes of your cell which are responsible for the trending process of autophagy.

Red Pill: Autophagy cannot happen with lipofuscin in your body. In other words, detoxification is impossible.

Matt Cook, editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries recommends vitamin E from ascorbyl palmitate found in coconut oil and butter.

On the other hand, organic coconut oil and organic grass-fed butter is delicious and vitamin C from organic plant sources is even better and can be purchased as supplements.

Raw Organic, non-GMO Whole Food

Vitamin C

“Half of this molecule is hydrolyzed into plain vitamin C, which is useful, and the other half into palmitate – a safe saturated fatty acid found in coconut oil and butter. The brain concentrations of ascorbyl palmitate were over ten times that of ascorbic acid.” 

Instead of the ascorbic acid forms of vitamin C which are synthetic, ascorbyl palmitate is freely available online and considered safe at any practical dose. 

“If vitamin E can be said to prevent lipofuscin, which it certainly can, then ascorbyl palmitate could be said to prevent more of it.” ~ Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries and has been a full-time health researcher for 26 years.

Read more about his 5 supplements that can stop dementia by inhibiting lipofuscin.

Read More Here

Skin discoloration and spots indicate liver dysfunction and lipofuscin accumulation.

Since lipofuscin is a product of the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids, they are symptomatic of membrane damage or damage to mitochondria and lysosomes.
Mitochondria are the little energy factories inside each of our cells.
Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes and break down excess or worn-out cell parts and destroy invading viruses and bacteria.
Lipofuscin contains sugars and metals, including mercury, aluminum, and excess iron, copper and zinc.
The body requires some copper and zinc to be healthy but not an overload.

Where did all these heavy metals come from?

Gasoline is made up of molecules composed of nothing but hydrogen and carbon arranged in chains. (Fine)

It’s all the heavy metals that were added to it that are the problem.
Gasoline contains more than 150 chemicals including benzene, toluene, xylene, and sometimes lead.

Iron, zinc, and copper have been found in emissions from diesel and gasoline fuels. (Uh oh.)

Barium, zinc, cadmium and vanadium have been found in emissions from diesel and biodiesel. (Uh oh.)

Those heavy metals created acid rain which liberates iron in excess amounts from the earth and poisons our rivers, lakes and springs. Spring and well water is now loaded with sulfuric and nitric acid and excessive iron and aluminum.

Aluminum mining and processing of ores or the production of aluminum metal, alloys and compounds contribute to high levels of aluminum in the environment.

Lipofuscin accumulates in cells such as of the heart, liver, or brain. Lipofuscin in heart cells is associated with heart disease and sudden cardiac death. The heart needs those little mitochondria energy factories working properly.

Iron, zinc, and copper have been found in emissions from diesel and gasoline fuels.

Barium, zinc, cadmium and vanadium have been found in emissions from diesel and biodiesel.

So that was another example of why to
“get the bad stuff out”.

Polyunsaturated fats, especially HIGHLY unsaturated fats (omega-3), increase the requirement for Vitamin E by six times.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that protects from ALL negative effects of lipid peroxidation (omega-3s oxidizing in your body). It is both a short and long-term solution to toxic PUFAs. Consume more saturated than unsaturated fats. This means eating more red meat, raw dairy, pastured (not pasteurized) eggs and coconut oil. “These are all dominant in saturated fat which helps to replace the unsaturated fat that is stored in your tissue from all of the canola oil you were fed growing up. Avoid omega-3 supplements and tell all of your friends to throw them in the trash.”

Consume a minimum of 3 pastured eggs a day (soft-boiled or sunny side up) to get 300mg of choline which supports the liver detoxification of omega-3 fatty acid breakdown products (acrolein, aldehydes, etc). 

Get an oil change with animal fats and take vitamin E. Matt Blackburn also recommends spore-based probiotics
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that protects from ALL negative effects of lipid peroxidation (omega-3s oxidizing in your body).

So we can
“get the good stuff in”.

He reports that nature built vitamin E into all foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).
Vitamin E is in grass-fed beef, nuts, seeds, fish, shellfish and grains. The only thing is that vitamin E is lost when foods are heated. Egg yolks contain vitamins E, A, D and K.

I cook the egg whites but not the egg yolks. Keep them creamy. I put one egg yolk in my salad dressing and the cooked whites chopped into my salad. Yum!

Egg Yolk Nutrition: Top 7 Reasons To Eat The Yolks.

Check It Out

Here are 9 foods that contain ALL Of Your Fat-Soluble Vitamins
And here are the good fats and the bad fats:

As you can see from the chart above, rather than these damaged seed oils there are PLENTY of even tastier alternatives.

For a detailed write-up of Vitamin E in relation to PUFAs, Matt Blackburn says, “head over to my product page for

PUFA Protect.

Here is just one of the many benefits he documents: “Protects skin loaded with PUFAs from ultraviolet sun damage*” (*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.)

He says, “I take a minimum of four and an average of eight 400 IU capsules every day, usually with a fatty meal.” So do I, although I like Naturello brand Vitamin E since it is made from all organic whole foods.

90 Vegan Capsules $19.76

He says, “Start with one a day for a while and see how you react to it before you increase your dosage.”
More powerful yet is this:


Boosting Mitochondria is the Key

This not only enhances vitamin D but works synergistically all the way down to the mitochondrial level,.
Natural ingredients are preferred because they tend to be multi-functional and have fewer side effects. UltraMito Restore 3.0 is the new upgraded version.

UltraMito Restore 3.0 – Mitochondria are the components in your cells that produce energy and are involved in, virtually, every significant cellular function in the body.

Read All About It

The Omega 3’s in fish keep the blood of fish from freezing in cold water.  
However, delicate Omega 3s at once become rancid at 98°F in our bodies.and start oxidizing immediately.
Oxidation is like rusting from the inside out.

The Importance of Unadulterated Natural Oils in Seeds and Nuts and the Dangers of Fish Oil

PEOs, Parent Essential Oils. are in raw nuts and seeds. PEOs transport oxygen to your cells. Refined processed fats and oils, including fish oil, do not.

Bad fats, such as hydrogenated oils, processed oils and margarine, get stored as fat. This does not happen with the right kind of fats such as olive oil, avocados, coconut oil and butter. The body uses these oils for energy.

Fat is Stored ONLY When You Eat Carbohydrates. See why here:

Ever feel like you’re just not getting enough oxygen? No wonder this makes such a difference! The world’s foremost authority on this says,

“We are human Ferraris but most of us run like we are human jalopies.”

Check this out Here