How to Create Cardiovascular Health
“The doctor of the future will give little medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
– Thomas A. Edison
More and more the word is getting out!
There is a common denominator to all degenerative disease!
Suppressing symptoms is not the same as addressing the underlying cause of the symptoms. After all, you don’t have a headache because you have an aspirin deficiency.
The first leading cause of death in the United States is from heart disease. The fourth leading cause of death in the United States is from a stroke. According to statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2001, heart disease accounted for 29% of all U.S. deaths.
New information has come out recently that shows that 50% of the people who are hospitalized with heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels and that 25% of people who develop premature heart disease show no traditional risk factors at all. The real cause of heart disease in the first place turns out to not be elevated cholesterol levels after all. Cholesterol is created by the body to mend the damage caused by something else.
This “something else” is acid waste and inflammation.
In her book The Acid Alkaline Balance Diet, Felicia Drury Kliment, adjunct professor at City College in New York and an highly respected alternative health consultant, states that: “Acidic waste in the blood makes scratches and tears on the inside walls of blood vessels.” She goes on to explain that the injured cells die off and turn into acidic waste, adding to the accumulation of acidic waste in the blood. Acid waste is already present from undigested food debris and toxins from other sources, which accumulate in the body. The body patches this damage with fatty plagues (cholesterol) to prevent life-threatening leaks. The accumulation of these patches fill the inside of the blood vessels which increases blood pressure as the heart has to work harder to force the blood through these narrowed vessels. The good news is that when these plagues are no longer needed they are dissolved and released!
The body manufactures 80% of all the cholesterol in the body. Only 20% comes from the diet. This cholesterol is used to create hormones, nerve tissue, patch injured blood vessels and, in the brain, to form new synaptic connections between neurons that are necessary for learning new information and for memory. So, cholesterol that is too low can also be dangerous. Statins have been shown to cause memory loss for this reason.
Unfortunately, the Standard American Diet (Sad) is 80% acid forming and 20% alkaline forming. Our original Paleolithic diet was the other way around and our bodies have evolved to require that ratio to maintain an optimal level of health. Most uncooked fruits and vegetables are alkaline forming. There are recipes available on-line for free showing how to prepare yummy raw foods, including incredibly delicious pies, cookies. puddings, main dishes, pizzas, crackers and cakes, you name it, even ethnic food.
Acids in the body eat away tissue like battery acid eating away at skin tissue, corroding and debilitating the body. Bacteria, viruses, fungus, spores and parasites are scavengers that feed on this decayed tissue and breed. This is similar to the way swamps attract mosquitoes or garbage attracts flies. Mosquitoes do not create swamps. They merely live in them.
The larger the quantity of acidic waste in the blood the more rapidly germs multiply. This forces the immune system to defend the walls of the arteries and veins by triggering the growth of tumors to encapsulate germ colonies. Antibiotics, vaccines, and strong anti-inflammatory drugs are frequently given to eliminate bacteria-induced infections and prevent the growth of plague but this does not address the cause of the infection and inflammation which is the acidic waste flowing through the arteries and veins. Also, pharmaceutical drugs themselves are acidic.
There is also another cause of inflammation in the body and that is an imbalance of omega 6 fatty acids to omega 3 fatty acids. For the optimal ratio of Omega 6’s to Omega 3.’s check out the incredible new findings revealed below. Who knew it could be so simple?