9 Foods That Contain ALL Of Your Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Fat-soluble vitamins are essential to help support a healthy body.

Fat-soluble vitamins penetrate the cell membrane, go into the nucleus, and then connect with receptors that activate certain genes.

Water-soluble vitamins are more like coenzymes or helper molecules that don’t go that far into the nucleus of the cell.

You need fat to absorb fat-soluble nutrients. For example, you might add olive oil to your salad to extract nutrients. If you take a fat-soluble vitamin as a supplement, it’s important to take it with a meal or add a little bit of oil or fat to it to increase absorption.

The absorption of fat-soluble nutrients is also dependent on bile. An unhealthy gallbladder or liver will diminish your bile and diminish your absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. Gut damage can also inhibit absorption. If you take a supplement, it’s important to take the complex, not a single nutrient. This way, you won’t throw off the balance and absorption of the nutrient.

Not only do fat-soluble vitamins have a lot of amazing health benefits, but they also help you absorb certain minerals. When consuming foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins, try to get pasture-raised, grass-fed products. They contain a much wider range of nutrients as compared to those fed a very limited factory-farmed diet.

The best foods to get all of your fat-soluble vitamins:

1. Egg yolk
2. Cod liver oil
3. Fatty fish
4. Fish eggs
5. Liver and organ meats
6. Poultry fat
7. Shellfish
8. Cheese and cream
9. Butter

9 Foods That Contain ALL Of Your Fat-Soluble Vitamins