
"Energy is Eternal Delight" 

~  William Blake

Stomach cells in the body replace themselves every 5 minutes to 4 days. You get a new liver every six weeks and new skin every 27 days. Since every part of you is made of cells, you are basically quite a youngster since all of your cells are constantly being replaced by new ones! New research now reveals we can even generate new brain cells through a process called neurogenesis.

The goal is to replace them with healthy new cells, not weak damaged cells.

Baking Soda

The underlying cause of most ailments and fatigue is excess acid throughout the body. Since your blood needs to be slightly alkaline (around 7.3) so you don’t go into a coma, the body will remove calcium, which is alkaline, from the bones to buffer the acid. This is the underlying cause of Osteoporosis.

Metals and toxins are acids. Alkaline neutralizes acid. So using baking soda is great as a first line of defense for all ailments as it keeps your body alkaline. It is the key to optimal health. You are made of cells and all of the cells of your body are swimming in a watery saline solution called lymph fluid. You can keep it clean by using baking soda.

Think of a fish tank. If the water is so dirty (acidic) that the fish's tail fins start to rot off, would you give the fish medication or surgery or just give it clean water to swim in?

Use pH paper first thing in the morning to see if your body is too acidic since acid leads to inflammation and to pain. Use baking soda throughout the day and use pH paper to check the urine each morning to see how you did the day before so you can adjust how much baking soda the body needs. Just collect a few drops on a little white saucer or dish. Drop a 1/4 inch or less of paper in the drops and see what color it changes into. The roll comes with a color chart. So you don't have to hunt for it, here is some:

pH Paper in a roll

Baking soda can be used for a bladder infection by taking a tsp in a 4 to 6 oz. glass of water. Some people found that in 5 minutes it was gone. And when a tooth was removed it was used in the same way for the pain rather than taking pain pills.

Bob’s Red Mill Baking Soda does not have aluminum (which causes Alzheimer's). The baking soda and rolls of pH paper are really cheap! Sip it in water throughout the day so it doesn’t fizz up too much in your stomach and make you feel nauseated. This won’t even be an issue unless you are extremely acidic. If you stir it into food, like bean soup, wait until the fizzing stops, then eat it. I put a 1/4 tsp in my coffee every time. It tastes fine. In between meals, drink a LOT of water, 1/2 ounce for every pound of body weight.

Go here for Bob’s Red Mill Baking Soda 16 0z

Or this 5-pound Bag of pure Baking Soda which is only $10 More

Think of what happens when a baby’s diaper is not changed soon enough and the acid released causes a diaper rash. Now imagine what the damage from all that acid still inside the body is doing to the tiny, delicate, vulnerable cells throughout your whole body. This damage is the underlying cause of inflammation and bacterial overgrowth.

People think inflammation is the cause of many diseases but inflammation is only a symptom because what caused the inflammation? Toxicity and too much acid. Also, know that unfriendly disease-causing bacteria feed on acids. No sense in feeding them so they multiply out of control in your body causing illness, colds and flu.

Toxicity causes the body to use Histamine to trigger the inflammatory response.

Symptoms are usually labeled as diseases.

There is no need to treat diseases or symptoms
when you don’t create them in the first place!

It all boils down to getting the bad stuff out and the good stuff in.
The bad stuff can either be neutralized as can be done with the baking soda or it can be removed.

The Underlying Key to Optimal Glowing Health and Youthful Vitality

"Over-acidification of the body is the single underlying cause of all disease.” ~ world-renowned Dr. Robert O. Young

The blood must be maintained at a constant pH of 7.365. When the blood is not maintained at this level we go into a coma and the body will do anything it can to stay at this level. When the damaged cells that make up the body die, you die, but not before disease and pain set in. People think this is normal aging but it is not. We can take things into our own hands!

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At our most basic level, we are electromagnetic beings, spiritual beings.

How Positive Emotions Create Health

Positive emotions have a high vibratory frequency stimulating many points on the molecules in the cells that make up our bodies and this creates a strong immune response.

For every vibrational frequency experienced a vibratory template, a pattern, is created. This is similar to a pattern that forms cookie dough into a particular shape, or, even more accurately, how iron filings arrange themselves into patterns on a magnet. These frequencies create pressure points on molecules.

Negative emotions, create different pressure points than the ones created by positive emotions and that can cause constriction in the cells. This is a negative effect because cutting down on the delivery of nutrients and oxygen and interfering with waste removal leads to the destruction of cells.

This also contributes to how these various pressures go on to program our DNA to either grow or self-destruct. And then, this creates either health or disease.

It is possible to actually measure these effects by using electron microscopes and instruments that measure frequencies.

The healthier we are, the happier we are.
The happier we are, the healthier we are.
We were born to be happy, after all.

Chew Chew

Digesting our food uses up a great deal of energy. Getting sleepy after a big Thanksgiving dinner makes that pretty obvious. It takes even more energy to break food down when we don’t chew it properly. Then we are left with even less energy.

The reason why is because undigested food in your intestines can ferment and turn toxic and bloating and gas often results. 90% of food allergies stem from this.

The other reason is that you don’t want improperly digested food to enter your bloodstream, because it can cause a wide range of adverse effects to your health. The toxic byproducts that accumulate in your intestines will be absorbed through your intestinal wall and, unfortunately, they will end up in your bloodstream. This is how autoimmune conditions develop.

Saliva contains digestive enzymes, including amylase, the enzyme that breaks down carbs. The longer we chew the more we give these enzymes time to break down our food. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to signal your stomach that you are full, so when people eat slowly, they feel fuller.  Leaving large chunks of undigested food in the system also triggers cortisol release, notorious for causing fat storage in the abdomen.

And, it’s good for your teeth because more saliva is produced while chewing. This helps to clear food particles from the mouth and wash away bacteria, so less plaque buildup and tooth decay will result, an added bonus!

So, Enjoy your Food to Your Heart’s Content
Munch to the Max

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Fight Aging at the Cellular Level
And be Energetic and Healthy at the Same Time.


As we age, we gradually use up our supply of digestive enzymes, partly because they were used to neutralize free radicals and partly because we ate mostly cooked food. The heat used to cook food kills most of the enzymes in the food. So instead of using the food’s enzymes to digest the food, we eventually use up our body’s supply of enzymes to digest the food. The body needs these enzymes for energy to stay well and, because they are catalysts (activators/triggers) they run every process in the body. When we use them up we feel tired and get sick easily. This is why people who don’t take care of themselves seem to age faster.

What’s Going On

Ar.oxidative_stress_diseasesThe Underlying Key to Optimal Glowing Health

An acid reaction refers to any chemical alteration in the body that produces a decreased ability to energize the system and leaves an acid residue in the urine. This is the underlying cause of almost all diseases because acids steal electrons from the atoms that make up your cells. The cells that make up every part of our bodies are wet-cell alkaline batteries and the stronger our inner vibrations, the healthier we are.  We can keep our get-up-and-go and extend our "Health Span”.

This is the true basis of the Fountain of Youth.

How to Fix It

The 4 main alkalizing minerals are calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium.


Over 380 detox pathways require magnesium to function. It has the power to stimulate white blood cells and glutathione production which is a MAJOR anti-oxidant and one of the few capable of detoxifying mercury, which is linked to autism in children.

“Magnesium is necessary for the normal function of over 300 enzyme systems, for muscle relaxation, immune function, cardiac function, clotting, nerve conduction, etc. Indeed I cannot think of a bodily department in which magnesium is not essential. It prevents heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, kidney stones and improves energy, sleep, etc.” reports Dr. Sarah Mayhill.

If magnesium is insufficient, potassium and calcium will be lost in the urine and calcium will be deposited in the soft tissues (kidneys, arteries, joints, brain, etc.). Arthritis is an example of this. High magnesium intake causes calcium to move from the soft tissue INTO the bones where it belongs.

Adequate levels of magnesium are essential for the heart muscle. Those who die from heart attacks have very low magnesium but high calcium levels in their heart muscles. Magnesium citrate powder is the easiest to swallow.

Magnesium is the Mineral of Rejuvenation

Indoor air pollution in typical houses like this has been measured as usually about 5 to 10 times higher than the air outdoors - unless you live in Beijing!

Premature Aging

It is important to know that just as people don't feel that their cholesterol or blood pressure is elevated, they may not feel the improved anti-oxidant levels or the genetic repair that is taking place. The benefits of addressing the underlying cause of disease and premature aging are something people definitely notice in the long run. It has been shown that people have the potential to live 140 to 150 years and in some indigenous cultures, where they still eat very pure diets, they do live disease-free up to that age. We, on the other hand, think that when we are half that age we are old.

Hair Loss, Skin Problems, Egg Whites and Egg Yolks

Avidin, present in birds, reptiles, and amphibians is passed on to their eggs. It is a protein present in egg whites that rubs biotin off from inside the body leading to hair loss and undesirable skin conditions.

A deficiency of biotin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, can lead to skin conditions such as cradle cap, lack of muscle tone or coordination, muscle pain and cramps, seborrheic dermatitis, seizures and hair loss. It has been observed that eating egg whites increases the risk of biotin deficiency. The avidin in the egg whites increases the risk of biotin deficiency, thereby increasing the risk of these possible side effects.

Eggs are so nutritious that they're often referred to as "nature's multivitamin." A whole egg contains all the nutrients required to turn a single cell into a baby chicken and many people consider eggs to be the healthiest food on the planet. Preparing them properly can unlock all their best benefits.

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If you are deficient in essential minerals, your body will use toxic metals to fill their place instead.

There is a powerful way to get the bad stuff out.

A Detailed Heavy Metal Detox Protocol

“Lead substitutes for calcium, cadmium very readily substitutes for zinc and aluminum seems to jump in almost anywhere. The body then retains those metals and locks them into the tissues, taking the place of the appropriate nutrients.

Chelation/binders can only remove heavy metals that are in a free form. So, until the nutritional status of the body has shifted to supply these minerals in a usable form to the tissues, the body will not let go of the toxic metals. This often means supplementation particularly of trace minerals is necessary before starting the detox process.”

See More at this Site

And then consider doing this detox method for the most rapid results:

Sauna Use

The Relax Far-infrared Sauna is the only professional-grade portable sauna out there. It is energy medicine rather than a traditional sauna and more powerful than even wooden far-infrared saunas. It vibrates the water molecules in the body that hold onto the toxins and heavy metals and releases them so the body can export them on out of the body via the sweat.

It even releases stem cells from the bone marrow so the body can use them for repair. About a quarter of all cells in the body are red blood cells. Red blood cells are derived from stem cells in the red bone marrow.

The sauna removes plastics, heavy metals, dioxins and pollution. And it kills germs. For this reason, it is particularly beneficial in cases of Lyme disease.

It has a reflective interior that directs the rays from every angle, the only sauna that supplies this much far-infrared. If the healing rays only are directed from 1 or 2 angles like other far-infrared saunas, the body absorbs way less. Measurement of the amount of sweat released by the Relax Sauna shows way more fat released in the sweat than other saunas.

Before sauna use. Some people use binders like bentonite clay, Zeolite, activated charcoal, and/or food-grade Azomite to speed up the effects even more. For best results, supply a lot of trace minerals in the diet to help release the locked-in heavy metals that are plugging up your system and drink a lot of water before and after using the sauna.

Sweating out the toxins released by the far-infrared is a great way to minimize unpleasant detox effects.

No Sweat? Know Sweat! ~  Dr, Bill Apkinar

Besides Lyme disease, to learn more and

see all the benefits of Relax Sauna use::

Go Here where there is also an Internet Special $100 Discount

Now for getting the good stuff in

 Humans Don’t Make Their Own Vitamin C 
Like Other Animals Do – Uh Oh !

Glucose and vitamin C use the same receptors on the cell walls. Then, the glucose crowds out the vitamin C and we lose the protection provided by this essential nutrient. And then, too much glucose, which might otherwise be converted to vitamin C, overstimulates insulin production and generates large numbers of free radicals, contributing to the formation of most all degenerative diseases.

This provides the foundation for how excess amounts of glucose, from refined and processed carbohydrates and sugars, contribute to glucose intolerance and diabetes. Not surprisingly, diabetics are frequently deficient in vitamin C, even when they get modest amounts through their diets.

High Glucose, Vitamin C  and the “Free-Radical Blast” Connection

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More good stuff:


Parsley and celery contain apigenin, which has been found to make your brain produce more neural stem cells to make more neurons. This is good to know because neurons transmit information and allow your body to function, enable you to think, and so forth.

More neurons equals better memory. Technically, it's the loss of synapses between the neurons that causes memory loss. But if you don't have neurons you can't have synapses.

One hundred grams (over 1/2 cup) of raw parsley has 302,000 mg, 100 grams of celery contains 4.61 mg and iceberg lettuce has a paltry .38 mg of apigenin. Making tea containing organic dried parsley is a really easy way to get a LOT of the benefits of parsley.

To get the same amount as 100 grams of raw parsley you would need about a teaspoon and a half of dried parsley. Combine it with whatever else you like in your tea and sweeten it up a bit to make the tea tasty.

It is even better when uncooked so, after whatever you prepare like soup or whatever is finished and dished up, you can let it cool a bit and sprinkle as much of that teaspoon and a half of dried parsley as you like on top.


The Pineal Gland, the Third Eye, is where the spiritual link to the Divine is located.
Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, shutting down the connection.
Boron decalcifies the pineal gland, so it functions properly.

Boron is in Borax

Borax is a naturally occurring mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen and water. As a chelator, it provides protection from heavy metals and toxins and prevents the loss of bone. Boron helps transfer minerals such as calcium, away from the tissues where it doesn’t belong, back into the bones where it does belong.

A boron supplement will reduce the daily loss of calcium by nearly 50%. As this calcium is withdrawn mainly from your bones and teeth, boron deficiency may be the most important factor in causing arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay today. Balance calcium with magnesium citrate powder (easier to swallow). Calcium causes muscles to contract, while magnesium helps them relax. It contributes to Mental Enhancement.

Borax, which contains boron, is used as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, connective tissue problems, gout, obesity, swollen gums or loose teeth and Spondylitis. Arthritis of the spine with inflammation in the joints is aka Spondylitis. Calcium is lost from the spinal vertebrae, leading to fusion and disc degeneration.

Boron contributes to Mental Enhancement, both short and long-term memory.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains lauric acid a nutritious fatty acid, or lipid, also found in breast milk. Lauric acid is used to develop monolaurin, an antimicrobial agent that can fight bacteria, fungi, yeast, viruses and other pathogens. It also includes antioxidants which provide an extra boost to the immune system.

Many fatty acid surfactants are derived from coconut oil. Surfactants are natural detergents like a kind of soap and this is one way the body scrubs itself clean from the inside out. Fat-soluble toxins like dioxin can be removed with healthy fats like coconut oil as a chelating agent. It attaches to and extracts fat-soluble toxins.

Alzheimer’s is a type of diabetes of the brain, that prevents brain cells from accepting glucose, their primary fuel. Without it, cells eventually die. Ketones suppress inflammation which promotes this insulin resistance and cells easily accept ketones that use medium-chain triglycerides like the ones in coconut oil. In terms of cholesterol, LDL is bad and HDL is good. Since coconut oil raises HDL, the good type of cholesterol, this also helps Parkinson's, ALS, schizophrenia, autism, dementia, and epilepsy. It is a natural antibiotic. Coconut oil is involved in cellular waste removal in cells damaged by pollution.

We certainly need more internal cleansers these days

7 Reasons to Love Rosemary

This is a Mediterranean evergreen that is a medicinal powerhouse, rich in phytochemicals and bioactive plant compounds with health-boosting properties used to alleviate ailments like headache, stomachache, rheumatic and menstrual pain and fatigue. Possessing neuroprotective properties, is used to treat spasms and epilepsy, ease nervousness and depression and boost a failing memory.

It has significant antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties easing pain, boosting memory and alleviating anxiety. Antioxidants help fortify cells against oxidative damage and in a 2015 paper, researchers found rosmarinic acid caused a substantial reduction in inflammation, evidence of potent antioxidant effects.

Pain relief - Analgesic substances act to relieve pain, Researchers found that rosemary’s ability to relieve pain involves the serotonergic (serotonin) system, a transmitter system in the brain, including endogenous opioids.

Anxiety relief - After a three-minute aromatherapy, rosemary demonstrated increased alertness through decreased frontal alpha and beta brain waves. People report lower anxiety and feeling more relaxed and alert.

Antidepressant - A 2021 study found a daily cup of rosemary tea. A 2021 study found improved blood plasma biomarkers for anxiety and depression. (A 2-pound bag of organic rosemary from Amazon is really cheap.)

Symptoms of memory loss and “senior moments” have been found to be helped by rosemary’s cognition-enhancing brain-boosting effects. Rosemary is neuroprotective. When cognitive decline is not curtailed, it may give way to dementia, Rosemary was tested in a placebo-controlled trial of a combined herbal extract of rosemary, sage and lemon balm. In as little as two weeks, the herbal extract containing rosemary was significantly more effective than placebo at enhancing memory in individuals under 63 years of age, with no adverse effects.

About the author: Sayer Ji is the founder of, a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, Co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, Vice Chairman of the Board of the National Health Federation, and Steering Committee Member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation. See All 7 Reasons to Love Rosemary Here. To see more, consult, the world’s most widely referenced, evidence-based natural medical resource.

You can powder the rosemary in a little coffee grinder and keep it on hand. Rosemary is delicious on potatoes and on eggs, in soups and so forth. Making rosemary tea with fresh ginger root, cinnamon, a tad of sweetener and whatever else you like, is very tasty and refreshing, hot or cold.

Irish Sea Moss

is one of the most powerful superfoods in the ocean. Our body needs about 102 vitamins & minerals for optimum functionality & sea moss has 92 of the 102! It strengthens connective tissue, is good for skin, hair and joints and is a natural collagen booster, the primary building block of your body's skin, muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments and other connective tissues. It's also found in your organs, blood vessels and intestinal lining.

If you have thyroid problems, Irish sea moss can help. It contains the thyroid hormone precursor DI-amino-iodothyronine (DIT), as well as the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

Sea moss keeps longer when you buy it as a powder and mix it up yourself. I mix it and my daily dose of Magnesium powder into my sweetened fresh-grated ginger, parsley, chaga mushroom, Holy basil, chamomile, cinnamon and clove tea. I make about 2 quarts of this tea at a time so I don't have to fuss with it as often and keep it in jars in the refrigerator. I pour some into a glass and then stir the magnesium and sea moss into it. It tastes delicious, very refreshing, like ice tea.

If you add the sea moss to the hot tea and shake it up, or put it in the blender and then refrigerate, it makes jello! Even children like it.


Breathe deep for more oxygen.
We were born to get a move on

There is evidence that a  concentration of feel-good endorphins increases with exercise.

Endorphins are hormones that reduce pain and discomfort, increase pleasure, improve mood and reduce stress, depression and anxiety. Getting a massage and using a sauna are two more ways to boost their levels. Endorphins create a general feeling of well-being and life energy.

Hydrogen Peroxide releases Oxygen.

It improves circulation, especially in the lower extremities
so blood doesn’t pool in the feet and ankles and cause swelling.
Cancer cannot exist in a high level of Oxygen.

Spray 6 to 9 sprays, out of a tiny spritzer bottle, of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide into the back of your mouth
and chase it down with some water right away since it is not very tasty. Then you don’t taste it at all.
It costs pennies and it’s simple!

Here is another way some people experience problems that may be interfering with their health in MAJOR ways:

Slime - Remove Gut Bio-films

Magnesium stearate (found in many supplements as “other ingredients”) can cause the formation of harmful biofilms in the digestive system. Also, prescription antibiotics have often been isolated as a contributor to biofilm formation.

Biofilms are groups of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and parasites that are protected by a layer of slime trapping them on the inside lining of the intestines. It interferes with the intestinal absorption of nutrients and, in people who are wasting away, the inability to gain weight and muscle.

Symptoms include irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, brain fog, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, chronic vertigo, autoimmune problems and skin diseases like Morgellons. Unhealthy biofilm allows some infections to persist for years.

Basically, they are stealing your nutrients to feed themselves.

There is an alternative to stearate that manufacturers could and should be using. It is:

Nu-MAG (stearate replacer) offers formulators a Certified Organic alternative to Magnesium Stearate,

Nu-MAG is a fine powder blend of four ingredients, Rice Extract, Rice Hulls, Gum Arabic and Sunflower Oil that is helping manufacturers eliminate synthetic ingredients without compromising the quality or efficacy of their formulations. The Company is Here.

There are ways to rid yourself of this slimy biofilm.

Povidone Iodine

Just one of the ways is the use of Povidone Iodine. Phlegm and mucus in the throat and sinuses which drip down into the intestines can contribute to the bio-film mucus problem. Removing it clears the congestion in the head, which is contributing to hair loss, causes a headachy feeling and causes teary eyes and ears, all of which interfere with getting a good night’s sleep.

Clear congestion in head and bio-film - The 3 Causes of Phlegm in Your Throat and Sinuses 

Watch his video here:  Dr. Eric Berg   

Povidone Iodine - 10%. Dilute it 50% with water by taking one ounce and mixing it with another 1/2 oz of water. Take a Q-tip and dip it into the solution and rub it around the inside of each nostril to kill microbes and then gargle with the rest of it to get it into the back of the throat. Gargle it for about 30 seconds and spit it out. Then do it twice a day with a 12-hour time frame between each time. One ounce equals 6 teaspoons.

I cut the recipe in half and it was plenty. I even cut that in half and it was still plenty. Iodine can stain fabric so for the first few times, you might want to take your shirt off or do it in the shower.  I have found that there aren't so many bubbles after you get the bulk of it out.

I was a regular bubble machine the first few times!


PUFAs - Seed Oils - Age Spots - WHAT?

We Need an Oil Change!

Those dark spots on the skin that many people refer to as ‘age spots’ are actually caused by Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, also called PUFAs, found in vegetable oils, edible oils, seed oils, trans fat and plant oils. Those aren't freckles, they are Lipofuscin. They owe their existence to “roller mill technology,” which replaced stone mill technology and removed their nutrients. Many people now consume 80 grams of PUFAs a day, which amounts to 720 calories and one-third of their caloric intake.

For every ‘age spot’ you see on the skin there are up to 100,000 more inside the body. No wonder they are such a problem.

For example, in 1930, there were no more than 50 cases of macular degeneration; in 2020, there are 196 million cases.

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Here’s an oil change:

The Navel


Ayurveda, a traditional healing system in India, finds the center of energy is the belly button. IT ALIGNS THE CHAKRAS INSIDE THE BODY. The process of putting oil in your navel is considered a part of Ayurveda. It is an age-old practice of detoxifying.

Our navel is an amazing gift from our Creator. According to science, the first part created after conception is the navel. After it is created, it joins the mother's placenta through the umbilical cord. It links mother and child before birth and provides a hub for nutrients to flow between their bodies.

Our Navel is surely an amazing thing!

Your navel can detect which veins have dried up and by using oils, they open those nerves.. All our veins are connected to our navel, which makes it the focal point of our body. The belly button is life itself!

The Pechoti gland is located inside the navel and connects to more than 72,000 veins. The total amount of blood vessels we have in our body is equal to double the circumference of the earth.

Applying oil in the navel heals dryness of the eyes, poor vision, the pancreas, the heels, and chapped lips, keeps the face bright, the hair healthier, clears away chills, pain in the joints and knees, lethargy and dry skin.

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Sparks of Life
Get Up and Go


Are we having a mismatch?
Let’s look at inflammation.

Topics discussed are pH balance, salt, fats, water, the healthiest types of foods, stress, the underlying causes of inflammation, autoimmune conditions, bloating, Celiac, grains, uric acid, stubborn belly fat, and how to boost learning and increase brain function.

Having spare electrons equals having a vital body and a long life.

Click Here to Check it Out

The Body Sway Method

It is key to know what your own individual body needs.
Have questions? You can use the Sway Method to find out for yourself.

Based on the new field of epigenetics, cell biologist, Bruce Lipton, discovered that the cells of the body move towards foods that are healthy and move away from poisonous unhealthy items. Since every part of your body is made of cells, your body will lean forward toward good food and away from what it doesn't want. Some indispensable tools are free like this one!

Learn more about how that works by going here.


A False Sense of Motion or Spinning and Loss of Balance

The dizziness can include various sensations, such as imbalance when walking or standing, unsteadiness and/or lightheadedness. It can even include nausea and vomiting, tinnitus - ringing in the ears, headaches, motion sickness, a feeling of the floor tilting, balance problems and/or a feeling of fullness in the ear.

Some people may also feel disorientated with movements such as tilting their head, moving their eyes around, or sitting up after lying down. It is a dysfunction or impairment in the inner ear's balance system. It can be overwhelming and debilitating.

Some causes are having mucous in the sinuses or having calcium deposits in the inner ear.
There are solutions.

To also see the videos, click on Read More:

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How to Naturally Get Rid of Tinnitus  - “ringing in the ears."

Here are some very simple and non-time-consuming ways you can massage around your ears that people find very effective. ~  Dr Alan Mandell, DC

Tinnitus "Ringing in the Ears" is an Insulin Problem

Dr. Berg addresses the problem on a nutritional level:

Toxins, Fat Cells and Weight Loss

I asked my doctor why I was so sensitive to chemicals. He told me that because toxins are stored in fat cells and that because I am slender and don’t have much fat on me that that is why I felt the toxic effects of exposure more readily. Also, before I changed my diet and used the Relax Sauna, I was much more toxic and sensitive to almost everything! I had accumulated so many toxins already from the work I had been doing, that, every little bit more I was exposed to was like “The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back”. This is the other reason people become so environmentally sensitive.

However, personally, I would rather be sensitive to toxic materials than be insensitive to them. I don’t want to not notice that I am absorbing them and, then, allow them to accumulate in my system. I would rather avoid them and not have them sneak up on me later and make me sick.

I now think of my sensitivity as having been a blessing in disguise. I am now noticing that I am much less reactive to every little whiff of perfume or gasoline. I think that if toxins are neutralized as fast as they come in that, I won’t react to them and they won’t have to be stored in fat either.

Weight Loss

People using the Relax Sauna also experience weight loss and that is because it removes toxins. Since toxins are stored in fat cells, they are no longer necessary, so bye-bye fat.

By the way, the reason why most diets fail is that people don’t detox at the same time that they are dieting. A puny little lemon juice detox is not sufficient. When they do more major detoxing, then fat cells are no longer necessary for the body to use as storage units and it releases them. The body uses fat cells to seal up and insulate those toxins away from the other tissues and organs in order to protect the rest of the body. You can thank those fat cells for having been protecting you before you move ahead and let them go.

Fat is an insulator, which is why blubber keeps whales warm and bears put on an insulating layer of fat for winter. Our bodies do know what they are doing!

❤️ Here's a tip from JP Sears  ❤️

JP Sears recommends putting on 10 pounds of intelligence

so you don’t want to lose TOO much weight!

Feel Good and Look Good

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