The following is taken from my book on Weight Loss

The Role of Fat in Weight Loss

The Right Fats Increase the Metabolic Process and Actually Burn Fat

Bad fats, such as hydrogenated oils, processed oils and margarine, get stored as fat. This does not happen with the right kind of fats such as olive oil, avocados, coconut oil and butter. The body uses these oils for energy.

The Importance of Unadulterated Natural Oils in Seeds and Nuts and the Dangers of Fish Oil

Physicians around the world are calling PEO Solutions the most important medical breakthrough of the 21st century. It is the “missing link” to your success in your diet and your life.

There wouldn’t be so much chronic disease in our world if we were eating closer to nature.  

There is a really simple thing we can do that makes a phenomenal difference.  How many raw nuts and seeds do you eat every day?  (Told you it was simple!) They are called PEOs, Parent Essential Oils.

The biggest obstacle, aside from pollution, standing in the way of excellent health has been discovered to be the lack of unadulterated natural oils and the overuse of fish oil. Many of us who use fish oil are getting as much as 600 times more than we need. 

PEOs transport oxygen to your cells. Refined processed fats and oils, including fish oil, do not.  Ever feel like you’re just not getting enough oxygen? No wonder this makes such a difference!.

Prof. Brian S. Peskin, BSEE-MIT, Founder of Life-Systems Engineering Science, is the world’s foremost authority and international lecturer on physiologic plant-based oils and the highly acclaimed author of the landmark book, The Hidden Story of Cancer. A graduate of the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Peskin received an appointment as an adjunct professor at Texas Southern University in the Department of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (1998-1999). Physicians around the world rely on his insights and conclusions. Prof. Peskin is the “Physician’s Resource for PEO-based Solutions.”

He says we are human Ferraris but most of us run like we are human jalopies.

Read on to find out what PEOs are and how they create all these benefits

 First Stop Eating Fish Oil

Every one of your one hundred trillion cells is surrounded by a two-layer membrane made of protein and fat. The body needs fats that are capable of transporting oxygen to make these cell walls.  Highly adulterated, processed fats and oils are no longer capable of transporting oxygen and are not only useless but damaging to the body.  We never used to have this problem before these highly refined products were introduced into our food supply.  

He says fish oils are more hazardous than trans fats. The Omega 3’s in fish keep the blood of fish from freezing in cold water.  However, delicate Omega 3s at once become rancid at 98°F in our bodies.and start oxidizing immediately. Oxidation is like rusting from the inside out. We see an example of this when we slice an apple and see it turn brown.

When something is oxidized that means it’s already been burned up, so to speak. Rapid oxidation is called burning. When something is gradually oxidizing over time it’s called rusting or rotting such as the rusting of iron and the rotting of wood.

The body can’t make enough antioxidants to keep up with the damage and, to make matters worse, the antioxidants are diverted from other places where they are really needed to neutralize all of the other toxins we are exposed to.  

The rancid oils are then shuttled inside of the cells and since the fat is only supposed to be in the cell walls, the damaged oxidized fats now inside the cells, where they are never supposed to be, lead to cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other diseases.

It takes 17 pounds of fish to make one capsule of fish oil. Left-over fish scraps are used for this and since fish oil is heated to as much as 300°F, it is already rancid when you get it.  Eating fish is alright because it’s not highly processed.

PEOs to the Rescue

Again, PEOs are Parent Essential Oils. In other words, they are the unadulterated natural oils in seeds and nuts.  Since the body uses them to transport oxygen to cells, this is especially critical since cancer cannot live in an oxygen-rich environment.

When something is oxidized that means it’s already been burned up, so to speak. Rapid oxidation is called burning. When something is gradually oxidizing over time it’s called rusting or rotting such as the rusting of iron and the rotting of wood. The oxygen-carrying capacity has already been used up.

Fish oil and refined oils are derivatives and have lost their oxygen-carrying capacity. If there would ever be one reason to eat, at least the oils in your diet, in their raw, organic, unrefined state this would be it, even if you eat nothing else organic and unrefined!

It’s unfortunate that packaged and restaurant foods all contain nothing but damaged refined oils. They do this because it increases their shelf-life. Too bad it doesn’t increase your life. It’s no wonder chronic disease and obesity is skyrocketing.

This does not mean you can never eat in restaurants. Just be sure you supply your body with the protection of PEOs and lose the fish oil. Hopefully, you won’t be only eating in restaurants.

The ideal ratio of 6s and 3s is 11 to 1, respectively. Many Americans have ratios of damaged fats that are as high as 40 to 1.

PEOs metabolize into PGE1, which has quite an extraordinary range of desirable actions. It dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure;. It inhibits cholesterol biosynthesis.

In case you are wondering what cholesterol, here you go:

Cholesterol is in every cell in your body, where it helps to produce cell walls, hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that help you digest fat. It is so necessary that the body itself makes 80% of your cholesterol.

Low cholesterol alters the way brain cells function and brain cells with low cholesterol levels have less of the mood-elevating neurotransmitter serotonin, which leads to depression and anxiety, according to Psychologist Edward Suarez, in a study at Duke University Medical Center. The Max-Planck-Institute of Psychiatry in Germany linked low cholesterol with an increased risk of suicide, depression, impulsivity and aggression. This was reported by Dr. Andrew Weil.

Oxidized (damaged) cholesterol is the problem, not cholesterol itself which actually patches over the damage caused in blood vessels from eating too much acid-forming food, such as sugar and refined fats and oils. Measurements show that the plaque that builds up in people’s blood vessels is composed of around 85% oxidized (refined, heat-damaged) Omega 6 oils and fats and 15% already-oxidized cholesterol. Unoxidized cholesterol is what actually transports fats and oils in the body.  Low levels of unrefined cholesterol can also cause memory problems.

PGE1 from PEOs is also an anti-inflammatory inhibits platelet aggregation, which is extremely valuable since blood clots form when platelets stick together. 

Let’s hear it for nuts and seeds! Snack on them or soak them in water for a few hours to make them creamier when you blend them and put them in your smoothies later on.

If you would rather consume them as oils, which would be easier for measuring the amounts, here are some of the Parent Essential Oils (PEOs): Sunflower Oil, Safflower Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Black Seed Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Pumpkin Seed Oil, Borage Oil. Add a little Coconut Oil if you mix them together because coconut oil is a natural preservative. Avocados have an excellent ratio of Omega 6s to Omega 3s. They’re great in smoothies.

Store these oils in the refrigerator because delicate oils easily become rancid when exposed to heat and light. Be sure not to heat them and turn them into trans fats – kind of defeats the purpose. You can pour the oil on the food on your plate once the food has cooled to the point you cannot burn your finger on it. I saw them do this in Italy all the time when I was there.

Just so you know, olive oil has a lot of Omega 9 monosaturated oil, which is great for energy production but it has very little Omega 6. And cold-pressed olive oil does contain important vitamins and nutrients and it is loaded with antioxidants so use it for those reasons. Plus it’s tasty!

Why You Should Eat More Fat to Lose Weight

Fat is Stored ONLY When You Eat Carbohydrates

As the Journal of American Medical Association, 2000, pages 283, 221-228 makes clear:  Elevated insulin generated from eating carbohydrates causes blood clotting, which blocks arteries. Fatty acids from eating fat cannot be converted into carbohydrates. Carbohydrates, on the other hand, can be converted into triglycerides. This results in excess body fat.  The dietary carbohydrate is stored away as triglyceride in adipose tissue (body fat).

Your entire bloodstream automatically contains only 1 little teaspoon of sugar throughout the day when not eating,  If your body allowed more than this in your system, the toxic by-products would kill you, as they do in uncontrolled diabetics. High blood sugar levels also encourage rampant yeast infections in women.

If you are wondering why you feel “down” periodically through the day, know that relative hypoglycemia (high blood sugar followed by sugar crash) results in brain & nerve cells being deprived of the glucose that has been ‘drained’ out of the bloodstream by the insulin, for storage and use in other tissues.

By the way, there are no Omega 3’s in your skin. When there is a lack of adulterated omega 6 fatty acids, omega 3s get shoved into the skin instead.  This can result in skin cancer.

Age Spots

Age Spots are an accumulation of lipofuscin, which is produced by the damage caused by oxidized, highly-refined fish oils and other damaged refined oils.  Acidic toxins such as these, can also react with the sun and create these “age spots.”  It has been found that they are also accumulating throughout the body, regardless of sun exposure, in places such as in the neurons, liver and heart, lipofuscin in the eyes is also related to macular degeneration.

Keep in mind that indigenous people around the world who are eating unadulterated food, work in the sun into their 90s and beyond and they don’t have these problems.

According to Prof. Peskin, it takes 4 1/2 months to clear the damage from fish oil from the body. One way that you can see the results of this is when those “age spots” disappear and the ridges and valleys in your fingernails smooth out. I’m going to be using my tiny portable sauna to speed up this process. I’ll let you know how it goes!

There is an excellent interview with him here

Sometimes people’s entrenched beliefs are hard to change but the documentation does exist.  Some people don’t bother to look and may think an hour-long interview is too long. However, he explains it very clearly and the benefits are wonderful.  None of this would be necessary if we ate closer to nature . as our ancestors did..  All he is describing is the how and why of the benefits of eating closer to nature and how and why the epidemic rates of sickness we are experiencing in our modern world are soaring since we do not.

For the  scientific documentation go here

To visit his website or get his book go here

French fries